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an// hi guys! so this one is really long but i'm super happy with it. okay so it's based mostly off of this dream i had and also a little bit off of jungkook from bts. basically idk i've been obsessed with him even though he isn't even my bias and it just sparked the idea of you know liking someone you can't communicate through language with and soooo in this one, léo doesn't speak english! he speaks french and anywhere there is french, i've translated it at the end of the line in bold for those of you who don't speak french :) i hope it's easy to follow because i like this one a lot!


Angelica frowned as she rubbed her eyes. Sitting up, she yawned, looking around the hotel room. She walked over to her best friend's bed. "Cee," she mumbled, rubbing her shoulder. "Wake up."

"What?" the girl snapped, waking up. "I swear to god, Ang-"

"Let's go for a walk, I'm mad."

"You bitch," she mumbled, pulling the covers over her head. Angelica grinned and rolled her eyes. "Go yourself."

"I don't even know this city," she whispered. Celia rolled over and Angelica sighed.

She got ready to go for a walk alone in Quebec City.

Leaving the hotel was risky- she didn't even know if they were allowed to do that. Probably not; they were seventeen, on a class trip and leaving alone without a trusted supervisor? Probably a major no.


She walked down the streets of the city for a bit, walking alone. The sun had just risen and the vibes were amazing, Angelica felt. Everything was lovely and she figured she'd even go to that cafe she'd passed by to get a small present for her best friend.

She'd just passed by it.

Maybe a block ago?


And as she walked, she realized she had no idea where she was. Frowning, she checked her phone. She'd just used up her data- she couldn't even get google maps to work. She called for Celia, but of course, she was probably still sleeping.

It was almost seven and she had to get back before eight- that's when breakfast was and a teacher would come see if they were up or not. She frowned as she looked around the street. Asking for directions would be hard- she barely knew any French at all. And the words she did know were useless.

She looked around, and finally up. Perfect. It was raining.

She walked to the side of the road, under the hood of a small store- it looked like a thrift store and wished to go inside but found it was closed. She was going to get all wet and it'd be a dead giveaway that she'd been out.

She pulled the hood of her sweatshirt up and ran across the street to see a small coffee shop open. It wasn't the same as the bakery she'd passed by but it would have to do; she was hungry. Angelica bought herself a small coffee, thankfully knowing how to say this in french and left, walking quickly.

It was pouring now, the kind of rain that would drench her head to te if she stepped foot out under the sky. And she'd have to, if she wanted to get back to the hotel before someone found out she was gone. But thankfully, it was then that her phone chimed with a text from Celia.

hope ur having fun in the rain ang

everyhting's cancelled today bc of the rain so get here soon

ur covered til lunch, i told them u had to go see ur cousin that lives here

Angelica rolled her eyes. Cousin? She was gonna be in trouble for sure. She sighed and sat down on the bench, sipping on her drink. It was a little cold too, in the rain. She looked for another place he could go wait in. Perhaps someone she could get directions from?

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