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AN// hi loves <3 this is kind of a little like spinoff of snape and lily's story from harry potter :) ive never really seen anyone write about them before in all my years of being a harry potter fan and watching oftp the other day inspired me <3 you don't have to have watched harry potter or know anything about it to read this :) i changed snape and james' names in this too so it's just the base plot that im using <3 i hope you like


"I'm coming to your school!" she exclaimed, arms around his neck. Alan frowned, wrapping his around her gently.


"To your school!" she cheered again. He frowned as she pulled away. "My mom's taking me out of public school!"

"What- why?" Lily frowned, crossing her arms.

"You're not happy?"

Alan pulled on a smile. "What- of course I am, I'm just confused," he explained. She let out a sigh as she dropped onto the grass, sitting down.

"Well," she said with yet another sigh and Alan sat down next to her as she began picking at the dandelions. "We're moving." Alan's eyes widened.


"Yeah," she sighed. "Which- which I was really sad about too, Al," she whispered. "We're moving in with my mom's new boyfriend."


"Yeah, it's not too far from your school, but it's really far from my school," she whispered. "Which is what makes it okay- I said that if I got to go to your school, then I'd be okay with moving in with him- since I won't have to be there like 95% of the year." Alan was quiet, as per usual.

"Oh." She nodded and he looked away. "I'm gonna miss being your neighbour, Al," she said with a frown. "But now I'll get to see you every day, right?"

"Right," he said with a nod. "We won't have to write letters," he whispered. He enjoyed writing her letters.

"Exactly!" she cheered. "You'll have me near you to bug you all the time!" He smiled, picking at the grass around him.

"So you're coming to private school," he whispered. She hummed. "Have you gotten your uniform and stuff?"

"Nope, not yet- I haven't even packed!" He nodded slowly. "And now," she began.


"You'll get to see my every day- we won't have to wait 'till summer break!" He smiled a little, not excited at all as she placed the flower crown she'd made of dandelions on his head.

"Yeah," he whispered.

"And we'll get to talk every single day- not just like 5% of the year," she said, squeezing her best friend's hand. He nodded, taking the crown off of his head and placed it on hers.

"More like 17%."


"I'm sorry," she mumbled, an honest regret in her eyes. He let out a sigh. "I answered all of the questions like you'd asked me too- I swear I had."

"It's not your fault," he whispered. She sighed again, her stuff still behind her. "Did you- did you ask for a retest or anything?"

"No, they said you can only take the sorting test once- I asked them, I really did." He shrugged and she pouted. "We can still be- like, friends stuff, right, that's not against the rules?" He shook his head.

"Of course not."

"See, there's nothing wrong at all," she said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. He blushed as she pulled away. "I have to go join my house now, though, okay?" He nodded.

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