wildest dreams//jjk

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an// no one will see this but this is based off of the song wildest dreams by taylor swift :) some of the lyrics were taken directly from the song and were used in this story so it follows along. i hope you like if there is anyone reading this <3


"Let's get out of this town," he whispered, pushing my hair away from my face. I turned my body to face his, laying on my stomach with my chin against his shoulder.


"Let's drive out of this city," he whispered. "I'm sick of it."

"You're here for another week, Jungkook."

He sighed. "I wanna get away from the crowds." I kissed the base of his throat gently. "I wanna be alone with you."

Smiling, I pushed his hair off of his forehead. "We can't."

"Let's run away."

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"Because you have a concert in a few hours that you need to get to." I pressed a kiss to his lips and he sighed, hands running up and down my sides.

"Nothing lasts forever, y/n," he whispered. I looked away down at his collarbones where his chain rested. I played with it with my fingers. "Singing can end for me now."

"No, Koo. You have to go."

He sighed and sat up, taking his chain away from me. I fell back into my bed, turning onto my back, sheets over my chest as he grabbed his clothes, dressing himself. Watching, I felt the tug in my stomach. "You coming to the show?" Nodding, I pulled my clothes on under the sheets. "Good. I'll be looking for you, okay?"


Love was a beautiful thing. It really was.

But this was gonna take me down.


Standing tall and handsome as he walked onto the stage, white suit clad, it was clear that he wasn't teh the same man I'd just seen just hours ago. The man that had been wrapped up in my sheets in my apartment was long gone as he fixed his ear piece, moving the mic closer to his lips.

And it was sad, seeing the end just as the story began.

Jungkook wasn't going to last forever. Just as signing wouldn't, our relationship wouldn't either. Seeing him walk into the coffee shop was the last normal thing to have happened. Dropping my coffee as his eyes landed on mine and having him help clean up the mess for me?

He didn't even ask me on a date as he took me by the arm out for a stroll in the park. And when I asked him to come inside when he'd walked me all the way home, the words I whispered were all he needed.

"No one has to know what we do."

His hands in my hair, his clothes in my room every night after every show was becoming routine. His voice had always been a familiar song, playing on the radio or through my speakers. But never had I expected it to be so close, so fragile, his breath in my ears.

It wasn't going to last forever but it was getting so good.

Too good.

Singing into his mic and dancing, it was just as he promised, he looked right for me. Winking at me, at the crowd, he continued with his work. His job. What had him next to me this week, tangled up with me all night.

And when he left, leaving the town as he'd wanted, he'd see me in hindsight. He'd see us together up in my apartment, night after night— all week. And when he leaves me, the memories will follow him around and I was sure of it.

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