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AN// so this is actually a short little imagine that i wrote for my friend a little while back. i just thought id include it in here so i dont lose it and so that if any of you wanna read it, you can :) i have another one up next, written for another friend, and both are reader x kim taehyung. so if you're not a bts fan or you don't wanna read these, just skip over :)

(y/n pov)

"Please? It's one of our last ones-"

"I don't like crowds, Tae, you know that." He sighed. "And no one knows about us-"

"The boys know, please, y/n. Please?" You sighed and he hugged you. "I'd love for you to come watch us sing."

"Tae." He squeezed you, face in your neck.

"Pretty please, I've never performed in front of you before." You looked up at him as pulled away. "Please, baby?"

You sighed. "I don't like crowds so mu-"

"Backstage, you can watch from the wings," he said quickly. "I just want you there, it'll make me feel so much better." You smiled.

"Okay," you whispered. He smiled, running a hand through his hair. You fixed his bandana. "I'll come."

"Really? Wow, okay, okay- you can ride in the bus with us when we leave in the morning- wait, let me go tell-"

"Awh, Tae," you sighed, reaching up to kiss him.

"I'm so excited, this might- this might be our best performance yet."

"Because of me?"

"Because of you."


"I can't do it." He paced back and forth in front of you. "I can't do it."

"Yes, you can-"

"No, I can't rap like him-"

"You've done it bef-"

"Not on stage!" You sighed as he hung his head low, pulling at his hair. A hairstylist ran over to fix it as he mumbled an apology. They left before you wrapped your arms around. "I can't."

"Yes, you can."

"Can't we just pull it- Joon- can-"

"Hey, you can't just," you sighed, pausing. "You can't just do that, baby." He shook his head.

"I can't rap like Hoseok, y/n, I can't-"

"I've heard you do it before," you whispered. "You've wrapped his verses before-"

"But not on stage!" he yelled. You sighed. "It's different on stage, there are so many people, I always mess it up and miss li-"

"They don't care," you whispered. "It might not seem like it, but really, they're just happy to see you, hear you, today, in person." He looked down. "They don't care if you mess it up- they probably won't even notice."

"Won't notice- how would they not notice-"

"Believe it or not, Kim Tae-hyung," you sighed. "People will be more mesmerized by the way you look to notice a line or two missing or skipped over." He gave you a small smile, just his lips.

"I just- I don't wanna let them down, but I don't want to do it." You sighed. "I don't want to let them down by not doing it and I don't want to let them down by doing it and messing it up- I haven't practiced it with Hoseok's verse."

"But he can't do his part right now, his tongue's cut, you know that," you whispered. He nodded, turning around the room to see his friend lying on a couch, icing his tongue. "You can do it."

"I can't," he whispered. You sighed, rubbing his shoulder. He headed out to go find the director of the show, only to come back with an even bigger frown.

"Uh oh," you sighed, wrapping him in a hug.

"They can't take it out," he sighed. You rubbed his back. "Why did this happen?"

"Ready?" Namjoon asked, walking over. You pulled away from Tae and gave him a smile. "Hyung, c'mon, you can do it."

"I'm just sca-"

"No reason to be," Joon reassured. Hoseok himself walked over too, to wrap his bandmate in a hug.

"You forget that Army loves us just as much we love them."

You nodded and Tae sighed. "Ready?" you asked. You reached up to run a hand through his hair but stopped after seeing his hairstylist give you a glare. Tae chuckled and shook his head. You kissed him on the forehead as he leaned down for you, squeezing him around the waist.

"It'll be fine- you're fine," Jin said, throwing a water bottle at him. Tae smiled and you could tell her was nervous. "Right, y/n- he's fine."

"Yes, he is." Tae gave you a smile and you reached up to kiss him before they headed down the hall to head to the stage. You gave his hand a squeeze before he was ready to go up. You smiled. "Yes?"

"Thank you." You shook your head and he ran onto stage with the rest of them to perform.

You watched from the wings, backstage and caught him looking over at you a few times. You raised your eyebrows at him, motioning for him to look back at the crowd and he chuckled through it, turning.

And he did his part perfectly. He didn't mess up once- or you couldn't tell anyone. People were excited to see Tae rapping- it wasn't too often he did that. And with his voice so deep and smooth, rapping suited him well, even if he was a vocalist.

And when it was all over and he ran off of stage and right to you. You greeted him with a hug. "I didn't mess up," he whispered. You smiled, squeezing him as he panted, relaxing in your arms. "I didn't mess up once."

"I told you."

He pulled away to catch a water bottle thrown his way. He left you for a moment and you stood back to watch the boys hug and congratulate each other. You smiled as he turned back to you, drinking his water.

"Thank you for coming, y/n." You smiled. "See, I told you- this was probably my best performance." You laughed.

"Because of me?"

"Because of you." 

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