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an// hi! i know its been a while on here but i've been doing other things so this book has been a little neglected :/ so this story is kind of more like a series of scenarios between the two but i hope you like anyway xx (also i didn't know what to name it but i don't think anyone surprised at this point) and yes! this is a jungkook fic haha

"Hello everyone." Jungkook stepped in and waved to everyone. "This is Jungkook-- he was put in the wrong class this semester so he'll be starting chemistry with you a little late," your principal explained.

"I'm sure he'll manage; we've only just moved past review," the teacher said with a small smile. Jungkook grinned. "Why don't you go sit there, Jungkook?" Jungkook looked to where she pointed.

"Sure thing, miss."

He slid into his seat, as asked, and dropped his bag next to him. Jungkook let out a sigh; he loved sitting at the side of the class, a wall to his side for him to turn and lean against when he needed. Not to mention the view he had of everyone plus the windows that made up the opposite side of the classroo--

His eyes stopped glazing over as they fixated on her, palm under her chin, elbows on the table as she glanced out the window, mind very far away from isotopes.

How come he's never seen her before?

How could he have missed her in the hallways?

He raised his arm and the teacher turned from the whiteboard. "Yes, Jungkook?"

"Do you need anything handed out, miss?" She frowned.

"Um, right now isn't the time, Jungkook." He nodded, eyes glancing over at the girl again. She was looking at him now, head tilted with an amused smile on her face. He grinned and she blushed, quickly facing the window again.

"When we're done with the lesson can I help hand something out?" Some kids snickered, obviously thinking he had the hots for the chemistry teacher-- a teacher many young students had a thing for.

"Alright-- we had a few worksheets I collected to look over last week; I'm sure handing those back would help you learn the names of your classmates." he nodded, smiling.

"Sounds perfect, miss."

He'd planned on handing her a worksheet or two, hoping to be able to glance at her pencil case or binder for her name as he passed by. But this? Even better.

When the time came, he stood in front of the class, butchering many of the names as he tried his best to read some of the ones he didn't already know aloud. They all came up to the front to get their papers.

Then he got to her name.

"Y/N?" She raised her hand for a second, ready to get up.

"That's me--" he walked over to her desk before she could leave and handed it to her. Y/N flushed red as someone in the class whistled. Dropping back into her seat, she pulled the sheet to her, cheeks flushing red.


"Yeah," she whispered.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl."

And it didn't make the red in her cheeks any better when he showed up to her math class too.

"What the heck?" He stepped in and was introduced all over again. Y/N glanced at the seat next to her, empty. The odds.

"Jungkook-- how about you go have a seat there, bud?" Jungkook gave the math teacher a quick nod and heard right next to her.

"So we meet again," he whispered, dropping into his seat and setting his bag down next to him. She crossed one knee over the other.

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