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Levi groans as he watch those mother fucking hyenas laughing and giggling as they made their way on the house they rented. Erwin made some reservation in a nearby villa to have some fun and relax after exhaustive trainings and missions. He manage to get the approval from the Executive Generals to give them off, it may look like a simple vacation to some but this is also a way for Erwin to observe their platoon and to extinguish who's the spy in the team. Rico declines when she was offered to go with them, that woman is a hermit but he did not force her to join.

The new recruits also join the small vacation and seeing those dimwits laughing and playing in the river like kids, made him look at them disgustingly and  knowing the muds will soon occupy the hallway and in the house. These kids doesn't value cleaning much and only him will fuss about it for sure.

"Oi Mikasa come on let's catch some fishes" Eren shouted 

"Uhm" Mikasa nodded

Armin just sitting on the rock watching them catching some fish as Eren and Jean keeps on bickering on who is going to catch fishes. They are being competitive in every thing and he is getting annoyed by their loud voices sometimes, but Armin loves them and they are his friends. Somehow he enjoy watchin the rive flows and the little fishes passes by and the fresh air he smells, it reminds him of someone who smells like sweet scent and he then look back at the cabin porch and seeing Annie sitting with a book on her hands made him smile. She looks at him and he look back to his friend and his ears turns red. 


Hanji laughs with Nanaba as they talk about the past. She knew that this is just a cover up of what they are about to talk, it would be a little suspicious if they immediately talk about the titans, for it seems it's a forbidden word now since Erwin decided to drop the case. Hanji is a little suspicious by the Commander's sudden decision and she knew it has something to do with Levi. The day they left the house he is being silent and did not talk much about it, it is as if he is hiding something. 

"You and the Captain had been a hot topic in the barracks"

"Oh?" she sips her mango shake "Why so?"

"They never seen the Captain show interest to any woman" Nanaba whispers "They even speculate that he wanted to get close to you because you are wealthy"

"What the hell?" she got offended by some people thinking about that, hell she even punch Austin for telling her that Levi is someone who take advantage to a rich young lady. By the thought about it, her blood boils thinking that Levi would never do such thing. He is too prideful to be swayed with money. 

"I know, so I told them to keep this stupid speculation and keep their mouth shut"

"Levi is not that kind of man" Hanji greeted her teeth. 

"I know" Nanaba sighs "good thing that Mike was there to threaten them not to spread such ridiculous rumor"

"They should" She glares "They will know what my precious play thing feels if I get a hands on them"

*Plaything - the creatures she experimented (not suitable for very young audiences)


On the other side of the house, the place where full of chatter and some are screaming. Annie watches Jean and Eren fight with stupid things. She then felt someone sits beside her and a strand of blonde can be seen on her peripheral. 

"I hope they did not disturb anyone with their loud voices" Armin looks at her 

"By the sound of their screams, even the crickets get disturb by it" 

"Yeah but I hope it does not reach to Captain's ears"

Annie shakes her head as she continue drinking the hot chocolate that Reiner provided her. Then she felt Armin's hand grabbing hers and place a cookie to her hand. Annie look at him as if asking him why he is giving her his treats. Armin smile at him and scratch his head. 

"I think you might like to eat cookies while drinking the hot chocolate"

"Thanks" she move her head away with a blush on her cheeks. 


Levi watch from the distance and observe the kids, however, he did not notice any suspicious actions from them. He then place his broom on the side and sits on the couch with Erwin. He watch the commander reading the reports from the intel's  and still they haven't received good feedbacks. 

"The bastards knows that we are still watching them" He sighs  " after letting the Generals know that we stop the case, I think they are being cautious right now" 

"They know that I won't give up" Erwin scratch his head "I think we need to stop it for the mean time" 

"Tch" Levi then stood up when someone just get  inside the room. Mike just got in with a fresh bake cookies and place them on the table.

"I heard that someone messed up the artifacts from Central" 

"Who would do that?" Erwin widen his eyes "No one has ever break their security for almost a decade now" 


"hmmm" Levi thought that someone can be this troublesome and knows how to hack the system like a piece of cake. He need to talk to her as soon as possible. He doesn't want her to get tied up to a messy battle between the upper Generals, they are the most dangerous people to fight with. 

To be continued.... 

A/N: Thank you so much for the positive feedback guys and I love your comments. I am glad that you love my story. Hanji and Levi are my favorite people. Please leave a like and comments! :) 

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