Red Dress

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part four
Red Dress

Hanji grabs her towel as she wipes her sweat as they finish their first set of training. Nanaba is standing beside her drinking her energy drink while stretching her left arm. The first set of training is not as challenging as the previous training coming from Captain Meanie.

she drinks the water from her tumbler and watch those other recruits who are laying on the ground and some are sitting near the trees to chill out for a minute. Its been two hours pass and they haven't eat their lunch and she is so hungry. she likes to eat a lot of carbs and meat as of the moment and ice cream is a great temptation as of the moment for it is so hot in the field. Eyes wandering around as she try to spot the Captain midget and he is nowhere to be found, probably he was called for a meeting she seen Mike entering the building a few minutes ago.

"it makes me bored right now" Nana leans on her as she wipes her own sweat from her towel "I like to have an adventure"

"like sneaking out?" she grins

"that's a great idea"

"I knew you like that thought" she press her towel on her forehead she's sweating a lot "I heard there is a nightclub near the camp"

"ohhh pretty convenient huh"


He groans as he watch Gelgar and Mike chatting with some women. Why did he agree coming here with them? he just want to chill out and drink some beer and be happy with it, but these dimwits drag him in this nightclub just a few blocks away from the camp.

Promising him that they will enjoy the night and meet some cute ladies. He is not fond of that, for he enjoys being alone and if he wants to date women, he usually found them in good placces not in the club. The thing that he hates the most in the club are the sweats, the alcohol -they are fucking everywhere- and some drunkards, he hates dealing with them.

"turn that frown upside down Levi"

he glares at Mike as he snorts while drinking his whiskey, if only looks can kill Mike would be dead by now and he frowns even deeper as he watch Gelgar flirting the waitress. He wonders why he keeps up with these people but he do sure enjoy drinking his whiskey.

He was about to shout out to the bartender to order another glass but instead he saw the source of his headache since this morning, standing near the stage wearing almost nothing as she dances along with her blondie friend. What in the hell is she wearing? those red dress with a large cut on her back that shows so much skin, it stops at the top of her nice ass and her long long legs as she wears red stilettos, this woman! He hates it when men started hitting on her. He then move away from his table and brusquely walk toward the annoying woman -forgetting to ask why she is here when they are forbidden to go out from the camp - he stood in front of her scowling.

"What the fuck are you wearing?"

"ohhhh!!!! its theeee captain meanieee" she slurred

"you're drunk shitty glasses"

"I love your commanding voice" she licks her lips as she seductively look at him.

Shaking his head he then click his tongue and grab her arm as he drags her away from those scumbags. She resist for a little then follow him towards the exit door and as they were about to reach the door, she grabs his arm and pull him towards the center.

"Noooo!!! I don't wanna go back home yet"

"you're fucking drunk shitty glasses"

"nah-uh" she shoves her finger to his mouth and shaking her head "I wannna danncee with you my gorgeous Captain"

"you know that I can dissolve your one year contract because you break the rules annoying woman?" he grabs her hand and wipe his mouth, thinking about all the germs from God knows where dirty places she touches.

"you got a stick in the assss" she hissed "you need to let loosssseee"


Hange wraps her arms around his shoulder and started grinding her hips as she dance. Moving her face to the crevice of his neck as she dance seductively in front of Levi, she heard him groan and it makes her spine tingle. It's been a long day as she keeps on thinking of him, his cold blue grey eyes that she loves and his handsome face. she will never forget his hot kisses and his large hands touching her breast as he kneads them.

Feeling so hot and very arouse she then turn around making sure that he is still there, she still puts her arm on his neck and started moving her ass to his obvious arousal. She can feel how hard he is and the way he groans as he grips her hips so hard.

"you're being a fucking tease, Zoe"

"ohhhh~" she loves it when he calls her name, so intimate, so hot and so arousing. She continues grinding her hips on his and feels him responding as he grinds her hips, she can almost smell her arousal, he is too much and so intense. No man can make her feel this helpless and arouse. No man can ever make her feel hot and bothered without even touching her sensitive parts and the way he grinds his hips, it shows his expertise on how to please women and the way he licks and bites her neck make her eyes roll with so much pleasure.


Grabbing her face she then turn around and accept his kisses and she didn't regret kissing him. His tongue moves inside her mouth as if telling her that she don't own her body anymore, she belongs to him and like a conqueror he branded her with his name. Grinding hard his cock to her sweet ass he can feel the wetness, Smelling the sweet scent of her arousal he moves his right hand slowly, taking it sweetly towards her beautiful breast. Wrapping her soft mounds and feels her nipples, he rub his finger to her nipple as it gets harder and the way she moans his name sending white on his vision.

Why am I doing this? he thought I should have scare her not seducing her! those lips and her body, he can't stop himself.

"Levi" she moans as she grinds her hips

Damn it! he thought as he grips her hips so hard, the way her hips moving and her lips, its addicting. He pull his lips from and heard her groaning, not liking him stop but he needs to, kissing her lips again and drag her gently towards the exit. He needs to get her out of the club right away before some bastard got a chance dancing with her. Possesive is not his usual behavior and the way they live in, everything is temporary but whenever he is with Hange, he couldn't bear sharing her to other especially not on his watch.

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