Training 101

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Levi didn't sleep much last night as he keeps on thinking those longs legs wrap around his waist as he pleasure her. Damn it! Hanji is troublesome in the first place and he can't stop thinking of her, that brat is annoying.

He stood from his chair and grab his coat as he walk outside his room and out towards the mess hall and grab some tea and breakfast. He ask Mike last night how many strings he pulled up to let his cousin join the training. He told him he done everything on his power to let her join and not letting the press know that she's here, she's popular. Being the daughter of the biggest telecommunications company and hotels in the whole country. Which makes him think that she is out his league, who wants to have a guy like him who grew up in the most poorest city in Sina and doesn't have a stable financial status. Levi shakes his head as if he wanted to erase that thought from his mind.

Finding a good spot to sit and enjoys his tea, he then grab his handkerchief as he wipe the tea cup as if he didn't trust someone who cleans the utensils clean the cup thoroughly. One thing odd about him is his cleaning obsession, Mike makes fun of him and Gelgar calls him pussy which gave him a scar on his upper lip from punching him.

"Good morning Captain"

He looks up and watch one of his subordinates Petra smiling at him as she invites herself sitting on the chair across him. She's been with them for almost a year and she keeps on pursuing him for something that he don't know. When it came to women he is kinda clueless and he knew that the ginger woman had a crush on him but he always ignore it. He doesn't want to response to her advances to him and simply ignore her.

"I heard we have new batch of trainees arrived yesterday " she chirp, one thing about Petra that he knew is that she is very uncomfortable with the silence. Silence equals Levi and everyone knows that.

He thought of Hanji and her eccentric personality, he doesn't mind if she's talking his heads off as long as her attention is to him and the thought of it expand his heart that he doesn't understand. As if on cue Hanji and Nanaba comes in from the door and grab some tray to get some food on the table. That brat is wearing those tight fitted shirt and it accentuates her curves and he hated those men drooling at her.

He scowls as she spotted them and watch her wave her hand as if they are old pal and moves towards them.

"Hey! I can't wait to start the training"

"Better be ready shitty glasses" this is the first time seeing her wearing glasses and its cute "I don't give special treatment"

She laugh as she wave her hand as dismissal and grab Nanaba to sit on the table next to them. He felt a little disappointed as she didn't join him eating his breakfast. Shaking his head he then grab his bread and eats it. Fuck! She is not here to fuck you Levi and she is way out of your league he berated himself as he chew his bread with vigor.

He couldn't help his attraction towards her, there is something about her that he really likes not just her looks its the way she compose herself besides from her charade acting like a woman with no brains, deep inside she is genius and that intrigues him a lot.

"So Captain"


"They are one of the new recruits?"

"Yes and Erwin made me the one to handle them for three months"

"Ohhh.... well I hope they will survive for the training, and please be kind to them"

"This is military Petra and kindness will be the last thing in my mind when it comes to training"

Everyone knows how brutal and crucial Levi can be when he facilitates the training, even in his ranking he should not be the one to train the recruits, but Erwin made sure that at least he handles one batch per summer. Lucky for Hanji he handles them this year and they should be prepare always for his drills, he doesn't give a shit and he will make those recruits cry . He do this to mentally and physically prepares them in facing those titans, these people are well known terrorist and they are getting many which to Levi's dismay they are like germs spreading around the country.

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