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part six

Scanning around the training area  Captain Midget is no where to be found. Where is he? she thought its been afternoon already and he is not present during the drill. Earlier this morning Zoe hurriedly went to their cafeteria to look for Levi but he was not there, in their usual table only Petra and Mike are sitting enjoying their meal. Zoe wonders where the Captain Midget is but it seems that he is not facilitating the training for the  day and that made her upset.

"why are you look so upset right now?"



"I haven't seen Levi today"

"he's probably busy Zoe, they have some paperworks to do"

"Training today will be boring as hell"


Later that day Zoe founds out that Levi is on leave and is on his way home. The night is so boring without him she always teases him whenever they have dinner together in the mess hall. She wanted to see him badly but where did he go? is there someone waiting for him? does he have a lover at home?

Thinking of him having someone at home and possibly a lover brought ache through her heart, she might not admit it out loud but she is starting to like him so much. Never in her life to put so much effort just to get attention from men, all of the men she knows wants her attention and she is proud of it, knowing that their world only revolves around her. Levi is different though whenever he dislikes you he will let you know, he wants you to strive more to prove yourself more  he will yell at you to yeild at him, as if you are not worth his time.

If he got a lover or a family at home why does she never heard of him talk about his family? As if you are worth for him to tell she thought darkly, she hates it when she's alone thinking, all bad thoughts comes swimming around her head and she doesn't like it even a bit of it.

Zoe Hanji wants to be part of Levi's friend though it may hard to swallow to be his friend, but for him she will accept it no matter how hard it is, she just badly want to be with Levi; no matter how creepy it may sound.


he dropped his bag on the floor and  looked  around the place , it's been a long time, it's been two years already since he visited this place, And now all the memories  are back. He never wants to remember the day when his mother died in front of him, but every time you look at a place where he was born and raise everything comes back in his memories. Now did he's here he felt like innocent kid, who is unable to protect everyone; the ever weak child standing on the floor feeling so weak and vulnerable.

living in the slum areas is not an easy feat, now that everyone is looking at you and ready to attack you behind. Levi is an only child a son of a prostitute but he never deny his past but he is not proud either. At the age of seven he knows how to fight, pickpockets and gamble, you need to learn that if you want to live in this shitty area.

Accidentally his mom got involve in a bad situation that might cause their lives and that night, same night when he got a fight from other thugs as he went home. He never expect what he saw, blood is on the floor and his mom is laying, his world spinning around and he doesn't know what to do anymore. He is fifteen when that happen, he embrace his mom's dead body waiting for the police to come over and take care of everything. Levi feel so numb and cold,  no more warm left in his body as if he is just a doll moving around with no more purpose in this world.


After visiting the house and his mother's tomb, Levi then walk towards the mansion where he can call his second home and the place where he made a promise to stand up and live on.

The large door opens and a butler welcomes him as he take his bag and bring them to his room. Making his way towards the living room he then saw a beautiful young woman with red hair and green eyes smiling at him and the man beside him grinning, they really expect him to come home.

"Aniki" the young woman ran towards him and embrace him "why didn't you tell us that you're going home? "

"Welcome home Levi" the young man pat his shoulder "Erwin told us before you left the camp"

"I just want to have a small vacation before going back to work"

"it's really unusual for you to have vacation leave Aniki" she wiggles her eyebrows "something must have happen in the camp that you need sole space, are there fan girls again trying to harass you or is there someone name Zoe keeps bugging you"

"Damn it Mike" he mutters

"Isabel you can torture him later" he then pat Levi's shoulder "we should take our dinner now"

"I'm just teasing him Farlan!"

Chuckling he then follow his second family, the people that he considered important in his life and he is thankful to Erwin for giving them another chance and to give them security. He need to discuss without Farlan about his recent discovery that the people who killed his mother are the titans.

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