Chapter 7

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Rey's POV

I've been meditating for the past 4 hours trying to find Emmeline. I sounded a lot easier when I first thought of it, searching through the force for a child that is a mixture of your force signature and your bond mate/ husband's shouldn't be that hard, I believed. Leia and Luke must have cloaked Emmeline's force signature.

Leia and Luke...

I used to think highly of them a decade ago, but that was before they took my baby. When Kylo and I found out that they were the ones that orchestrated the kidnapping of our daughter, I couldn't believe it. I began to think that information was false because I never believed that they would ever steal a child from their parents. Kylo went off on me, saying, "of course you still look up to them like the parents you never had because yours abandoned you." I preceded to slap him for saying that because of how emotional I was at the moment. I immediately regretted it and began apologizing over and over until I was crying; He pulled me into his arms and held me as I balled my eyes out over the kidnapping of our daughter and the betrayal I felt from Leia.

I never had a good relationship with Luke but Leia was so kind and deep down depressed from loosing her son, I never thought she would bring that upon someone else let alone us, but then I remember that we're on different sides of the war and based on what Kylo told me, his family never really cared about family,they just care about winning a war and work, everything else comes second.

A door opening brings me out of my reminiscence, I turn around to see a stormtrooper at the door.

"Your highness, the emperor ordered me to remind you of the mandatory brunch that takes place in 3 hours." The guard says formally.

Right... Kylo has made me attend borish tea party with wealthy woman from aristocratic families ever since Emmeline's kidnapping to distract me from locking myself in our room and crying over Emmeline. His intentions are very sweet but the little tea parties are very boring. Though someone has to socialize with the aristocrates and politicians and it might as well be me because I have better patience and social skills than my husband.
That is sort of our arrangement for ruling. I deal with the aristocrates and what charity we will give funds to and he deals withe the military and the governing. Kylo's a bit of a control freak, but I don't mind. I like to push his buttons and say he got that from his mother, sometimes I swear I can almost see steam coming out of his ears which makes me laugh.

"I know, I haven't forgotten", I lie, I did forget. Ever since I sensed Emmeline in the audience she's occupied every thought of mine. The trooper then salutes me and leaves and I get up and head to my quarters to get ready.


I planned to upload a lot earlier but I got a bit of a writer's block when it came to this part on the story, but then I thought that I should explore Rey and Kylo Ren's story more and got a bunch of ideas on what to do.

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