Chapter 10

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I've been staying with grandma for a week now. She programmed her etiquette droid, C3-P0, to help me with my studies and to tutor me in Nabooan and Alderanian culture. I asked her why I need to know about Alderanian culture and she said that she didn't want the traditions of Alderaan to disappear.

I am playing dejarik with grandma because she finally has free time, she always wants to spend time with me when she can.

"I haven't asked you, how was your life on Naboo? Tell me all about it." She says in a motherly or grandmotherly tone.

"It was all right, as you know I grew up in Dee'ja Peak, a small agricultural town in the Gallo mountains." I start the grandma cuts in.

"I know all about your home city, you think I didn't heavily research it before sending you there?" She says raising an eyebrow.

"About that, I've been meaning to ask, why did you send me away?" I ask nervously. We cease paying attention to the game. This was something that has been on my mind for a while. On Naboo, children were considered precious, so there were rarely any orphans on Naboo. The girls at the orphanage and I were just the lucky ones.

"Believe me, I didn't want to, but a child shouldn't be raised on a military base. I wanted you to have a peaceful childhood, away from all the fighting. The planet, Naboo, was my mother's home planet so I thought to find a place to send you there. I thought to send you to live in Varykino, with family but I thought it might be dangerous, the Naberries are involved in the resistance if their cover was blown I didn't want you getting caught up in it, and in case that Kylo Ren was looking for you." She explains. I was the most captivated by the near last part she said.

"We have more family?" I say shocked.

"Yes, I also asked them to keep tabs on you while you were in Dee'ja Peaks. They are how we know you were on a field trip. So, I sent Poe to keep an eye on you, and thank the force I did." She says relieved. "but back to my question, how was your life on Naboo?" She asks her previous question again.

"Well, I didn't have many friends back home. Though I was kind of friends with this one girl, Samra. She was nice and would always try to include me with the other girls at the orphanage." I pause remembering Samra and the orphanage. I might not have been close with them but they definitely would have noticed my disappearance. "We would go swimming by the Dee'ja Peak waterfall together nearly every day after school. The caretakers would always supervise us and caution us to be careful of the currents. When we weren't at school or playing together, we helped out on the fields. I worked in an orchard of hsuberry trees and would usually be repairing machinery for harvesting. Other girls would work in the shuura tree orchards and would take some shuura fruit for the rest of us to eat." I say nostalgically. I will miss Dee'ja Peak, but I am happy to be with my family.

"I see you had a good life on Naboo, I'm glad." She says almost as if she's in relief. "I've been wanting to show you something." She says excitedly, she gets out of her chair and takes my hand and brought me over to the living room area where there were two large suitcases.

"As you know, it was the Naberries that told us that you were in Coruscant, I told them that you were now with us and they sent over some of my birth mother's dresses to try on." She says happily. She opens up the suitcases and shows the most beautiful dresses I've ever seen.

"Who was your mother again?" I say shocked, whoever owned these dresses must have been of high importance.

"Well, my birth mother was Padmé Amidala, formerly Padmé Naberrie. She was a queen of Naboo and later on a senator." She explains.

"Wait, queen Amidala was your mother? Then how are you a princess then?" I say shocked.

"Yes, queen Amidala was my biological mother, she died in childbirth and then I was adopted by Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail Organa of Alderaan." She says in a fond tone, but in her eyes, I can see a slight sadness. "Now go try on this dress, I believe it will fit you." She says and gives me a dress that I try on in my room. It's a lovely yellow summer dress with a bodice embroidered with small pink flowers and a shawl-like material around the shoulders with the same embroidery as the bodice. The sleeves have yellow, pink, and green ribbons on the lower half of the arms. I twirl around in the dress a couple of times. I come out of my room and grandma smiles at me.

"You look beautiful." She says and stares at me for a couple of seconds. "The dress comes with a couple of accessories for the hair, would you like me to do your hair with them?" She asks quickly.

"ok," I say as I sit down on the couch. She seemed to want to do my hair so I let her. She pulls out some ribbons and two yellow crocheted bun covers and a headband then starts to do my hair.

"Done!" She says proudly after several minutes. She brings me to a mirror and I gasp.

She put my long curly hair in a wide messy bun at the back then a smaller one over each of my ears and put a bun cover over them. She tied my remaining hair into a very loose low ponytail with the ribbons and put the headband on my forehead.

"It's beautiful!" I say admiring my hair.

"I'm glad you like it, now how about we try on others." She says happily. If all the dresses are going to be as beautiful as this one, I can't wait two try them on.


Can you guess which dress she's wearing? if not, it's the meadow dress from Attack of the Clones. I'll try to go back to publishing monthly. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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