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Empress Rey is walking through the gardens of the imperial palace with her daughter, Emmeline wrapped in her arms. Rey realizes that it is almost 0600 hours.
"It is time for bed little one", Rey whispers to her three year old. Emmeline made a little groan and was upset at that fact because she loved being in the gardens with her mother. Rey giggled at her daughter's grouchy face and went to her daughters room.


Rey was tucking Emmeline in bed feeling a little tired herself.
"Can I see daddy befowr I go to sweep?" Emmeline asked sleepily.
"Daddy's busy, sweetie" Rey smiled and said. Emmeline did a little pouty face then started to fall asleep.
"Goodnight, Emmy" Rey said and kissed Emmeline's cheek. Emmeline had a strange feeling that this would the last time she would see her mother for awhile.


Poe Dameron sneaks through the halls of the palace, trying not to be seen. He sees Rey leave a room he assumes to be her daughters.
"Traitor", he whispers then sneaks into the girl's bedroom. He walks in the room to see the toddler fast asleep. She looks a lot like her mother, and grandmother, he thinks. He picks up the sleeping child and sneaks out of the room. He makes it all the way to the exit until he hears,
He turns around to see a stormtrooper running at him, Poe starts to run. No one was firing at him, probably afraid to hit the princess and face the wrath of Emperor Kylo Ren. To his luck, Kaydel Ko Connix was waiting for him in a speeder. He would have asked Finn to help him, but fingered wouldn't like the idea of them kidnapping Rey's daughter.
"GET IN!" She yelled.
"Quiet! You'll wake her!" He hissed while getting in the speeder. Kaydel laughed then took of.


Resistance base,
Poe walked in the Generals quarters and placed the sleeping child on the couch.
"Got her" Poe said.
"Thank you" Leia said calmly.
"No problem, where is she going to be staying?" Poe asked curiously.
"In a orphanage on Naboo" Leia said calmly.
"AN ORPHANAGE??" Poe yelled.
"Yes" said a voice behind Poe, he turned around to see it was Luke Skywalker.
"We can't keep her on the base, a child shouldn't grow up in a war, Naboo is a beautiful and peaceful planet that was also my mother's home planet, she will be safe there." Luke continued. Luke walked over to see Emmeline surprisingly still asleep.
"She looks a lot like Rey, and you too, Leia", Luke commented.
"Yes, yes she does", Leia said as she walked over to sit next to her granddaughter.
"Commander Dameron , you are dismissed" Leia said formally.
"Yes General" Poe replied and left. Leia looked at Emmeline. She always dreamed of having a granddaughter, someone to dress up in all of her birth mother's dresses, but unfortunately she couldn't stay, she hoped she would be able to see her again when she was older. Leia desided to wake her up.
"Whe- Whe- Where's my mommy?! Who are you?", Emmeline cried.
"Hello Emmeline, I'm your grandmother", Leia said calmly.


Leia dropped Emmeline off in an orphanage on Naboo pretending to be some normal old woman who found Emmeline on the streets. Before she left Emmeline, she decided to give her something, the necklace Anakin gave to her biological mother, Padmé.

At the imperial palace...

Rey was at the door of her and her husband's quarters when she herd a stormtrooper yell,
"YOUR MAJESTY, THE PRINCESS HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED!", He was loud enough For Kylo to hear and to cause him to come running to the door, while Rey stood there in horror and shock. He grabbed the stormtrooper by the throat.
"KYLO!!" Rey screamed but he ignored her.
"What. Happened!?" He hissed. He let go of the trooper as it gasped for air.
"Someone snuck in and took the princess, he made it to the exit of the palace when we saw him, but he got away, we believe it was the rebel pilot, Poe Dameron who kidnapped the princess.", the trooper said out of breath. Over the years of Rey knowing Kylo Ren, his temper had not died down, but Rey had never seen Kylo this enraged.
"Put a bounty out for Poe Dameron, I want him alive for interrogating to find out where our daughter is, and have stormtroopers scout out Coruscant, he couldn't of gone far", Kylo said angrily.
"Yes, Sir!", the trooper saluted.
What I picture Emmeline looking like is Maya Irene Wada when she was like 3 years old.

This is my first fanfic, please be nice!

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