Chapter 8

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Rey's dress above

Rey's POV

I finish getting ready for the tea party, I am wearing an off-the-shoulder black, mesh dress with flowers and leaves embroidered all over it in various colours. My hair is curled and in a half-up, half-down hairstyle, over the past decade, it has become my favourite hairstyle. I quickly put on a bunch of diamond jewellery that was gifted to me by aristocrats and politicians trying to bribe their way into good graces and possibly earn a few privileges. I always internally laugh when I receive jewellery from them, they always try to cover up their intentions, saying it's a gift of friendship, like what the women at the parties would say or when I'm on diplomatic trips and politicians (who would always be men in this case) would gift me expensive jewellery to try to sway me into agreeing with more of their demand or to sway me into doing things with them that are more intimate. I would never give in, of course. I am faithful to my husband and to the new empire, and I don't particularly like expensive jewellery with lots of diamonds and whatnot. I wear it just to look the part of an empress that people expect. In private or on missions I wear what I like. I am brought out of my thoughts by kylo entering our room and stroking my hair.

"You look beautiful," Kylo says calmly before pressing a kiss on the side of my head.

"Thank you," I say before speaking again.

"Have you come closer to finding Emmeline?" I ask.

"No, you?" He asked.

"No, you'd think it would be easier to find a child strong with the force and untrained that was part you and part your bond-mate", I said and sighed.

"True, the brunch is in half an hour, you should get going." He said. I got out of my chair a pressed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you", I said.

"I love you too" he replied and I left the room


My speeder stops at the Valorum estate, Elora Valorum is the hostess of the party, my driver helps me out of the speeder and I thank him. I could have driven myself but Kylo always wants me to have a driver, something about my safety or something, I don't know, I stopped listening to his little lecture the second he said "it's for your safety".

I enter the mansion and am immediately greeted by Elora Valorum, she around my age, maybe a little older.

"I am so happy you could make it your majesty", she said while bowing to her. I keep myself from showing my annoyance, 13 years of being Empress and I am still not used to being bowed too.

"Me too, Lady Valorum", I lied and spoke the most politely I could. The real reason that these parties happen is that these women that are so posh and snobby have nothing really to do so they attend these parties to gossip about other people.

"Come, your majesty, I will take you to your seat." She says politely. I really hope that seat isn't next to her. Elora Valorum comes from a very rich and prejudiced family and the apple did not fall far from the tree. A thousand years ago an ancestor of hers, Tarsus Valorum was the first chancellor of the galactic republic and her grandfather, Finis Valorum was the second last chancellor, he was then succeeded by my grandfather, I know all of this because she tells me all the time.

She brings me into the dining room that has been rearranged so that there are 6 circular tables that can fit about eight people. She pulls a chair out for me and I thank her and then she pulls out the chair and sits right next to me. Great. I should have known that she would sit next to me, she planned the sitting of everyone.

I look around at the other tables to see that there was a seating arrangement. The table at the end-left were women from less influential families that probably just made it into Elora's list of "people worthy to attend my marvellous parties" as she puts it, because yes she has a list.

The table on the end-right were alien women, they were the table the farthest away from everyone and I pity them, I don't think it's fair that they are excluded from all the other tables just because of their race.

The middle-left table were women that were senators, I yearned to sit at that table because I knew those women would be talking about things that actually matter, like upcoming bills to be passed in the senate and what they will vote for; not really that interesting better than hearing "I saw so n' so flirting with so n' so, like she has a chance with him!", at the tables I sit in.

Then the rest of the tables were filled with women from powerful  Coruscanti families, royalty from other planets and wives of powerful imperials. I was seated at the top-right table, others seated at this table were a couple of other women from influential families, some princesses from other planets, and Elora's sister, Mina. Mina looked like she was in her mid-20s, maybe younger, she doesn't seem to have any real personality besides her lust for power and, well, lusts. The whole Valorum family is hungry for power, Elora tries to befriend me all the time, her parents and husband are always trying to form business deals with my husband and I to give them more power, they are where most of my jewellery comes from.

And then there was Mina, she would take it the farthest in her lust for power, she would flirt and sleep with some of the powerful imperials to gain power. No one really knows about her little agenda, she always goes for married men because they usually don't tell people about their affairs with her, fearing their wives finding out. She then blackmails them into giving her things like jewellery, credits, alliances with her family, etc. I know these things because I hear the conversations she has with her sister when they think they're out of earshot, and Mina has a very unguarded mind.

Everyone was seated at the table, not before bowing to me and saying, "your majesty". Once everyone else was seated, Elora got and tapped her fork on her glass to get everyone's attention. Everyone turns to look at her and she starts to make a speech, probably about how happy she is that everyone could make it and stuff. I wasn't paying attention, the only the on my mind right now is Emmeline and how close we are to finding her. People start applauding so I join in and pretend I was listening. I then sit back and mentally prepare myself for a long night.


Long chapter, I know, I had a random boost of motivation to write this much. I was trying not to make up any characters but failed, Elora and Mina are made up but their family isn't, prequel fans will know. Didn't make up anything about the really, Finis Valorum was brought up to be the next Supreme Chancellor of the republic, they were a very prejudiced family and power hunger from what it seems according to Wookieepedia, but anyway thanks for reading.

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