Chapter 9

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***mild mention of s*x, nothing mature, still pg-13.


I have been sitting here, pretending to be interested in the conversations for an hour, It feels like and eternity. Mina had left to talk to her friends and the conversations were the usual, fashion, making fun of the poor, the table of alien aristocrates, latest gossip, and so on. Then the conversation takes a turn.

"My daughter has finished learning high galactic.", said Elora. I tensed when she said that, whenever people start talking about their children I always tense. It reminds me of what I'm missing with Emmeline.

"How old is she?", said some woman who looked to from Onderon, probably a princess.

"She's twelve and so smart", said Elora. I was feeling jealous of Elora, she was able to watch her child grow while mine was taken when she was three. I excuse myself from the table and decide to go for a walk. I'm walking through the hallways and see Mina and another young woman giggling and gossiping. Mina may be an adult yet she still acts like someone half her age. I just roll my eyes and continue my to the garden, but then I hear something that makes me stop.

"I know he's a little old, but imagine the  benefits that come with sleeping with the emperor." Said a giggling Mina. I rest my back against the wall of the hallway and continue to listen to their conversation.

"Are you sure you should go through with this, Mina? The emperor isn't someone you should try to blackmail, let alone seduce. The empress will have your head." One of her friends said in a worried tone. I nod my head to myself in agreement, if she were to sleep with my husband, I would most definitely cut her head off.

"Oh calm herself, Amara. If he wants to stay married to his wife, which he most likely does if he wants to keep the former emperor Palpatine's supporters on his side, I am able to blackmail him." Mina says confidently. "And I can certainly seduce him with his wife being saddened all the time at the lost of their little brat. Their sex life is probably nonexistent." She cackles. I was livid at the last statement. Not only was she bragging about how she could seduce my husband and mocking our personal matters, but she dared insult my baby girl. I know my husband would never be unfaithful, especially with Mina Valorum. He knows just as well as me of her schemes, but I wasn't going to let this slide. The two girls go their separate ways and I follow Mina. Maybe I can uncover something about her and beat her at her own game, the blackmailing part, of course. As I follow her, I see her run up to a twi'lek man and kiss him. When they finally pulled apart they rested their foreheads together.

"I've missed you", Mina says lovingly. I was confused by this, maybe it was part of procedure of seducing, but then sense the emotion she's feeling... love. She actually has compassion for someone, a twi'lek at that. I don't have anything against twi'leks or any other species of aliens, but the Valorum family does. This is what I can use to blackmail her. I make my way back to the table I was seated at. As I sit down everyone at the table smiles and acknowledges me. Then they go back to their conversation which was thankfully not about children. A couple minutes go by and Mina finally returns to the table. Elora gives her a quick side glare for being gone for so long then starts talking about new fashion trends.

An hour goes by and I was nearly half asleep from all the boring conversations of the evening. People start to leave and usually I would too, bit I need to confront Mina so have to stay a little longer.

"Well I think I should retire now, thank you all for coming." Mina says while getting out of her seat.

"I should probably go, too." I say calmly. I get out of my chair and follow Mina. I wait until no ones around to call her.

"Mina, may I have a word with you?" I ask. It wasn't really a question because I knew she would have to say yes. She turns around and I see couple of emotions cross her face, shock, annoyed, then concern.

"Yes, your majesty." She manages to say. I confidently walk up to her.

"I noticed that you weren't at the table for most of the evening, was the fact that their was no powerful men here for you to seduce and blackmail boring you?" I say calmly, but a bit accusingly. She looked shocked and then tried to say something but I cut her off.

"Don't think that your schemes for wealth and power haven't gone unnoticed. By me or my husband, so you can forget your little plan to seduce him. Though, if that doesn't warn you maybe this will. If you so much as look at my husband in a flirtatious way I will tell your family about your twi'lek lover." I threaten. Her face goes from shock, to worry, then to a large smirk.

"Oh really? And what proof do you have of me in love with a twi'lek?" She says confidently.

"Oh I don't need proof, your family desperately wants to stay in the emperor and I's favour that all I have to do is mention my distaste for your relationship and they'll be so embarrassed and eager to gain my favour that they'd disown you." I tell her. She goes quiet and I take that as my queue to leave.

I make my way to my speeder and get in. My driver then starts the vehicle and flies me home. We pass the museum and I get the bitter reminder that I could've been with my daughter right now if those stupid stormtroopers could have done they're job right.


I'm back! Let's hope for a while. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I didn't really have the motivation to continue or reall know how to continue. But now I do so I will try to post more!

Btw I changed the planet Emmeline lived on to Dee'ja Peak, Naboo, because I love Naboo and don't know why I chose Devaron in the first place.

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