Meanwhile 10

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* Third person (Sorry this one will be short)*  (____)=Author note

Stacks was out of prision now and had a plan but new he couldn't do it himself. We was able to get Baxter Stockmen in on it. It did take some convinceing though.

"How do I know you won't betray me like Shredder did?"(Stockmen)

"Even after I go through my plan I will still need you so why would I get rid of you"(Stacks)

" . . ."(Baxter)

"So . . ."(Stacks)

"We will need people to help fight against the turtles can you help with that?(Stacks)

"Oh this is going to be good" Baxter said with a huge smile and a weird laugh.

Just then he goes to his computer to track someone due to the fact that Baxter dosen't know where they are.

"Turns out they are in a hidden in a underground prision in Germany. "(Baxter) (Idk I am coming up with randomness now lol)


"Oh right you haven't met them."(Baxter)

"Are they good fighters"(Stacks)

"Trust me they are very strong"(Baxter)

"Good thats all that matters send the foot clan to go get them"(Stacks)

"On it"(Baxter)

"Once we have our fighters all we need is bait"(Stacks)

"Who will be the bait?"(Baxter)

"April O'neil "(Stacks)

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