Chapter 9

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Hermione entered the Gryffindor common room, and wasn't expecting to find such a gloomy setting. Ginny and Ron were both sitting on the arm of the couch Harry was sitting on, his body hunched forward as his hair fell in front of his face.

"What's going on?" Hermione asked, making sure to keep her voice soft as to not startle the others. Ginny looked up at her, a sad expression planted on her face, but she remained silent. Even Ron who had lifted his head up to look at her, remained silent.

Her eyes drifted back to Harry, and watched as his shoulders were slacked, his fingers fumbling with each other as he gazed at an invisible spot on the floor.

Hermione approached him cautiously, taking a seat opposite him on the other couch. "Harry?" She tried softly, and after a good few seconds he finally lifted his head up. His face was crestfallen, a disheartened look plastered on his face.

"You were right, Hermione." Harry began, his voice hinting a deep sadness. "About the Potions book." He explained, and Hermione turned to look at him with a puzzled expression. What was he talking about?

Harry went on to explain what happened in the bathroom when she had stormed out – although, Harry didn't know that, of course – and told her about the spell he used, and what it did. Hermione let out a gasp, her hand flying to her mouth as her eyes widened.

"Where's the book now?" Hermione finally asked, and Harry fully turned to look at her now. "We brought it to the Room of Requirement." He said, a faint smile tugging on his lips which made Hermione frown. "We?"

"Ginny and I." Hermione swore she could see the red tint forming on Harry's cheeks, and when she turned to look at Ginny, she could see the same reddened cheeks. Even though the situation was anything but worth smiling about, she still couldn't help but let the corners of her mouth tug upwards, having a pretty good idea of what happened in there.

Ron, however, seemed completely oblivious to whatever was happening right in front of him.

Thinking back to what happened, she had many mixed emotions, to say the least. The main reason why Harry had used that spell against him, was because Draco tried to throw an Unforgivable Curse at him. That's what upset her the most. Her view of Draco had been changing several times over the past few months, and she fully convinced herself he couldn't be bad after all the teasing conversations they had.

But knowing he cursed Katie, tried to kill Dumbledore, and most likely having been the one to poison Ron as well in order to try and kill Dumbledore again.. How could she still even waste her thoughts on him?

How could she still sit there, in front of her best friend that had nearly gotten an Unforgivable Curse thrown at him, and her other best friend that had been poisoned and could have been killed, and still wonder how Draco was doing?

Disgusted with herself, she told the others that she would go to the library as to avoid any unwanted questions. It was even worse to know she'd have to wait an entire week to presumably get some answers out of him. That was, if he stuck with what he said.

Her legs carried her through the corridors, easily guiding her through the familiar halls of the castle. But she came to a stop when she passed the corridor that would lead her to the Hospital Wing, where she was certain Draco would be.

No one would be roaming the castles after their body had just been sliced open by a spell, even though Snape seemed to have taken care of most of the damage. An internal battle formed inside of her, one between her mind and her heart.

All logic she had outweighed what she felt – what she really wanted to do. Yet, she couldn't help but fight that logic – try to see reason with what she felt. Don't waste your steps. The war inside her head fell quiet as the tired voice rang through her head.

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