Chapter 11

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Raina gets up and walks out with jesse.

And then I get back to work.

I continue on work until 2:00pm


Today has been sort of hectic, thank goodness I'm going home.. actually I don't know about that..


I arrive home.
I run up to the steps and open the door. I immediately jump on the couch and relax for a few seconds. I pause, taking in the silence that I've been craving for, for so long.

Hmmm. I think my mom is gone..

I slowly get up, and walk over to her bedroom door. I quietly open it up.. oh. She isn't in there.

Perfect. Time for some rest! As I head to the living room, I walk over to the couch, then

oh shit.. great.. I wonder if it's my mom. That would be hell wouldn't it..

I walk up to the door and look through the peephole.

It looks like a guy.. It better be who I think it is.

"Who is it?" I yell.

"Jesse, I need to talk please." He yells back.

Jesse! I fucking knew it. Wait, Holy shit, it's actually jesse.

I open the door, and look at him, he has on a very very big smile.. Almost looks like he's high. I invite him inside non the less.

We sit on the couch and I attempt to start small talk.

"So, I see you have a new girlfriend.. hehe," I say as happy as I can manage.

He smiles, putting his hands on his head occasionally.

"Are you okay? You aren't acting like you usually do."

"I'm good.." He says while making that odd smile.

It becomes awkwardly quiet, then jesse breaks the silence.

"Anyways I came here to tell you that... I really fucking miss you." He finishes, with the scent of cigars on his breath.

"What?" I say in disbelief.

"I miss you. A lot.. I want to get back with you, if we even had a thing. I want it to be you and me." Jesse smiles.

"You are dating Raina stupid." I say with a laugh.

"I don't care about her, I dumped her." Jesse answers, rolling his eyes at the ceiling.

"So you just want to hook up? Like right now?" I say cracking a smile, still not believing this whole story.

"Yes. Me and.. you." He smiles, closing and opening his eyes slowly..

"well, jesse. I'll be glad to." I say smiling, ignoring the fact he might be high right now.

We exchange hugs and I feel his love. I feel jesses love, I never want to let go. Me and jesse are..... together.

"Okay GIRLFRIEND.. I have to go, Im going to be busy. Visit me at my place soon.." He winks and stumbles out.

Oh my fucking goodness. Jesse Rutherford is my boyfriend,

||2 days later||
I go online and my phone and check my email, for hopefully other jobs.

Then I see that I have a new concert available to go to.

It's a Neighbourhood concert in San Francisco. Only, $25 yessss! Yes!
I immediately buy the ticket even though I was planning on saving up.

Yes, I'm going to surprise jesse!! This is going to great, wait! I need to surprise him with a gift! Maybe like a teddy bear with a love note. That would be so cute... hmm.

||3 days later||
Today is the day of the concert.. Yeah!! I'm ready to head out. It's already dark outside in LA. I get my teddy bear with a note attached saying:

Jesse you are my hope that I thought I would never find. I love you so much and I felt trapped before you came into my life. Now everyday is a brighter day because you care about me, and only me. I love you so much olddirtytshirt <3

I hope he likes it..


The concert is starting yay!

This time I didn't get front row tickets so I stay in the back, there's actually not a lot of people..

There's another person next to me, I decide why not make small talk.

"Hey. Is this your first Nbhd concert?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh of course not! I've been to all of there concerts." She says.

"Oh wow! You are hardcore haha. I wanted to give jesse this gift, but I don't know when I should give it to him. I really need to give it him though." I say.

"Yeah, you should probably give it to him afterwards, so it's more personal ya know." She suggests.

"Good ide- SWEATER WEATHER!!" I scream as he the band plays a beautiful melody.


"Hey I just wanted to say thank you all for coming!! We are half way done and I want this song to be special. So a special song to a special someone.. *drumroll*, RAINA MY lover!!" Jesse shouts.

Raina? I thought he broke up with her.. what this must be a joke or something.

"I love you Raina!" Jesse says as Raina comes up onto the stage and they start kissing. All of his fans cheer, they scream in joy, like this was a good thing..

My eyes widens in disbelief.

Did he lie to me..

is he fucking serious.

"Oh my fucking word!" I accidenty say loudly and drop my gift and leave.

Jesse's POV

Raina kisses me, man I love her kisses.

"Oh my fucking word!" I hear someone say in the crowd.

I look in the crowd to see who said that. Was that Kacia? I thought she wasn't coming to the concert. Fuck fuck fuck!

I can't continue.. I need to talk to her! Shit.

Kacia's POV

I run out into the cool air.

I fucking knew it, but jesse.. How could he..? I thought he loved me. Fuck him. I'm done. He can go fuck himself for all I care.

I run to the nearest bus stop.

I sit quietly on the bench and put my hands on my head.

Don't cry. Don't. Cry. DONT- fuck

What did jesse do to me...

Complicated - A Jesse Rutherford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now