Chapter 16

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All I feel is emptiness, lonliness,.. sadness.



I grab my phone and think of something to send to jesse. I haven't talked to him since the hospital bit.

I look at my phone, no new messages as usual, then I begin to text jesse;

Me: R um hey.. we haven't talk since you were in the hospital.. I was wondering if you are okay, and I wish the best for you and Raina.

The last part really hurt to type..

I click send and stare at the screen, waiting and pondering of what possible replies he might say.

Jesse: R did you move? I need 2 talk 2 u. like now.

Me: R yeah I did, can I just go to ur place?

Jesse: R there's renovations goin on, txt me ur address.

I text him my address, I actually am excited for jesse.. there's no doubt I still have feelings for him.

I freshen up.


There's a knock at the door. I quickly rush to the door, knowing that that is jesse.

I open the door, and am greeted by a bright live face.

"Hey, jesse." I say as casual as possible, I'm still awkward and confused about this whole situation.

"Kacia.." Jesse says and hugs me.

I invite him in and we both sit on the couch.

"So how's, you and Raina?" I say forgetting how invasive that sounds.

"We are actually doing great, I told her that I wanted a family and she totally agreed. So you'll be seeing little rutherfords runnin' around soon." He chuckles.

My heart aches. I don't like this.. jealousy.

"aw, that's cute.." I say as enthusiastic as I can manage.

"Yeah, I'm going to be a father." He says happily, adding a heartfelt smile.

"So, jesse, what happened after the hospital..?" I say changing subjects.

"Oh. Well, I stayed another day at that god forsaken hospital, then I left, went home, talked with raina and got better." He says.

"I can tell you got over me quick huh..?" I try to force a laugh.

Jesse's smile dims down and he slowly takes what I said in.
oh no.
why did I say that? I'm so stupid.

"no.. truth is that I'm not over you completely. I still love you, I tell myself to not believe it, but it's a fact. it's in my brain, that I love you. I haven't been texting you because I want to get over you, but I need to marry raina. I love yo- her.." He stops.

"Jesse..? if you love me you can't start a family with Raina. What the fuck?... just tell me what's going on.." I ask.

I can feel my heart racing in nervousness.

"I need Raina, I need her. Not you. I love Raina. I want her kids, I need her to be my wife. I can't stop loving Raina. " He says with a lump in his throat.

This makes me so upset, I feel the jealousy boiling under my skin.

"I need to use the bathroom, hold on." He gets up and sulks over to the bathroom.

He left his phone on the table. I stare at it, thinking what to do with it. Perfect.

I unlock his phone and quickly go to his contacts, I scroll through people and then find.. Zach. I take a picture of the phone number, delete the page, and turn off the phone.

Yeah I may seem like a condescending bitch but whatever! I just got an amazing idea!

Jesse comes back, and quietly sits down.

"Jesse.. I still have feelings for you. I know you do too. But you can't if raina is in the picture. Get rid of raina." I say attempting to resume our conversation.

He makes a face of disappointment. It's like he wants to but can't. He needs to love raina...

"I'm sorry, I gotta leave. Busy day." He says quickly getting up and exiting my apartment.


I sit on the couch, thinking of what to do.

I decide to.. decide to start my regretful plan.

It just makes me mad, jesse starts talking about raina like she's worthy. She cheated on him. And he still loves her. She's full of lies. I don't want her to be Jesse's wife. I can't bare to see that happen. I won't be able to handle that.
I need jesse back.

I call ZACHs phone that I saved onto my phone.

He picks up immediately.

"Hey? Who is this?" He asks.

"Hi. It's.. uh, it's Kacia. Have you heard of me?" I respond.

"Oh, jesse would talk about a Kacia sometimes. Are you that Kacia? Like jesses girlfriend or something?" He asks.

"Actually I'm not his girlfriend, I'm.. a friend of his." I say.

"Oh! Ive seen you before at the concerts. Thanks for coming by the way." He says gently.

"Yeah no problem. But I came here to talk to you. Wanna maybe get a cup of coffee someday? I work at this coffee shop and I can get you a discount." I ask.

"Oh, that escalated quickly. Haha I'm joking I would actually look forward to that. When?" He says.

"Maybe tomorrow at.. 3pm? @ CoffeeShope?" I reply.

"Yeah that'd be awesome. I'll see you then!" He says enthusiastically.

"Oh, also.. Would it be too much to just keep this between us." I ask, I don't want him telling jesse.

"Yeah uh'course. See you tomorrow at 3. byee!" He says with a smile on his voice.

"Cya!" I hang up.

Well I got a date with Zach Abels.


Mastermind plot coming up!!! MWAAJAHAHAHAHAH
it's probably predictable! But I'll try and change things up.

Also check out this fanfic I've been obsessed with lately! Its called
don't touch.. - jc CAYLEN fanfic by aerynmxrshxll (:

So if yall know Jc you guys should check it out, it only has a couple chapters but I'm v excited for more.

And more news!

I'm creating a new fanfic soon- new plot, new person, new everything!

Super excited about that (: but thank you guys so v much for reading like already at 1.2k that's insane! Ilyg so much! Thank you for reading! It warms my heart (((((:!

stay tuned
stay cloudy

Complicated - A Jesse Rutherford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now