Chapter 3 - goodbye for now

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Jesse walks over to me and hugs me. I can smell his cigarette breath, which is actually attractive somehow...

"Ill see you tomorrow then?" He smirks and walks out.

||Next Day||


I sit on the bed waiting for Jesse to show up. I don't know if he's going to come..

I mean on the bright side, my headache is gone.

I pull out my phone from my pocket.

23 missed calls from Zoe and 48 messages from her.
I call her back.

"Oh my fucking- KACIA!!! What happened?! You were on the news?? You were fucking saved by Jesse Rutherford. Wow. What happened? Were you kicked out?! Tell me everything! Where are you?" Zoe finishes.

"Okay, I didn't know I was on the news, that's pretty cool I guess. But yes I already know Jesse "saved" me. He came in... We exchanged hugs... He was so cute... oh. I'm in the hospital. And I guess what happened was that I got into a fight with my bitchy ass mom, so I left to get some fresh air, this guy grabs me, smashes my head against the van door he was trying to put me in. Then I blacked out and I guess that's when Jesse came. I'm so blessed, and thanks for your concern, I can tell by the... 23 missed calls." I say cracking a smile.

"You had me worried so much man. You need a place to stay today? I can take you unless you're going home." She says.

"Well, uh, I'm going with Jesse. To his house.. to rest.." my words trail off.

"You're going to stay with Jesse? Your parents are going to kill you. And I'd love for you and him to get closer and all, but I don't know. It doesn't seem... Right. You guys just met. But don't let me get in the way of your decision." She says.

"You're right, but it's Jesse, I won't ever get to seem him again.... I'm not sure honestly." I say.

"If you make up your mind, call me. I'm free today so I can pick you up if you want." She says.

"Okay. Thanks for your concern. Cya." I finish.

"Yeah, no problem. Later." She hangs up.


The door opens.
It's Jesse!

"Hey, hey, I'm so sorry but I kind of just woke up an hour ago. You ready?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah..." I say really uncomfortable.

"I know this is kind of awkward, but if you want to go somewhere else that's okay. I just want you to be... okay." He says so calmly.

"I'm really sorry, it's- we- I barely know you, but I know you are beyond sweet and caring, but I have strict parents that will kill me if I'm gone with.. someone they don't know." I barely say without wanting to cry.

"Someone like me... I know the tattoos, and piercings... people don't like. It's okay, I completely understand." He says trying to hide how hurt he was.

Did I hurt him?

"Thank you." I say softly.

"Well Kacia, get better, I'll see you later." He walks over to me and hugs me while I'm laying down.

I hug him and tear up a tiny bit.

"Don't cry, it's going to be okay." He wipes my tears and kisses my cheek.

He smiles and walks out.

When the door closes my eyes completely start pouring tears.

Why didn't I just go with him.

I call up Zoe.

"Hello?" She says.

"Pick me up," I say in between sobs.

//hello!! I actually enjoyed this chapter! Idk about you guys, but comment how you felt about this chapter or the whole story. Thanks for reading! <33//

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