chapter 17

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Well I got a date with Zach Abels.

Next day

I'm running late.

I grab my purse hanging from my door handle.

I bolt out the door and grab a taxi.


The taxi arrives and I hop in.

Me: hey, sorry I'm going to be a little late but I'm ill be there in 5 minutes.
Zach: haha, no problem.


I finally arrive at the coffee shop.

I attempt to not look like i was in a rush.. or a car accident.

I meet Zach, and walk towards the table.

As I'm sitting down I give him a apologetic smile, hoping he doesn't mind.

"Hey! Listen, I'm sorry for being la-"

"It's okay. I don't mind, I understand you're a girl and you take 5 hours to get ready. Haha, it's okay don't worry about it." He smiles.

"Oh, you know me so well!" I giggle.

"So, do you want anything?" I ask.

"eh, probably just a coffee, extra sugar!" he starts scavenging his pockets for some money.

"Oh, Zach, it's all good, I'm covering you. I can get a discount, because I work here." I laugh a bit.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yeah of course, and hopefully me being late will be forgiven by this.. haha I'm joking." I smile.

The chair makes a sharp loud noise as I get up. I walk over to the cashier and pay.

"So... Whose this.. gentleman, Kacia?" The cashier says.

"It's a friend of mine, long story. Oh and make sure you add extra sugar to that coffee!" I say to Craig, my co-worker& currently the cashier.

I see Craig around sometimes, he has a later shift which is about to end soon. I mean he is a cool guy if you ask me. Just trying to make some money as a student.

"Yeah I got it. I'll deliver it to you, so I don't have to yell your name across the room, and possible destroy a kiss?" He winks and chuckles.

"Haha, thanks, but I don't think I'll be kissing him today, I mean at least not yet." I reply.

He shrugs, and I head back to the table.

As I'm sitting down again, Zach greets me with a friendly smile.

"Welcome back, thanks again for paying." He grins.

"Of course. Also, I have a question to ask you.." I clear my throat. "How has Jesse been doing? I just want to see how he's been doing, and I thought you would know." I smile.

"Well, actually I haven't seen him around since the tour got cancelled. when I did see him, it was like 3 days ago, and it was in his house. but he was getting high as usual, smoking weed and everything. he actually showed me a note that said;

you said that you love me but you act you don't, you used to adore me, laugh all of my jokes. Don't take this the wrong way, you put me in harms way.

And I think it might be an upcoming song he's writing, who knows." Zach finishes

Shit. what the fuck does that mean. Who is that for? Raina? ... me?

"Interesting. Is that for Raina?" I ask curiously.

"Honestly he hasn't talked to me about it, I mean It might be, but he has said something about having another lover in his life. might be about them." Zach says.


Zach checks his phone.

Zach looks up at me then down at his phone. Does he know something?

In the mean time, Craig comes over with our drinks. I smile at him and he smiles back. I take a sip, and slightly burn my tongue.

"Coincidently Jesse just texted me, and asked where I was, I told him the CoffeeShoppe, and he said that he's coming to meet me. I didn't realize he was coming, are you okay with that?" Zach says, interrupting my thoughts.

Fuck! I need Zach to make Jesse jealous, make Jesse come back to me.. but I can't do that. not right now at least. Me and Zach barely just got to know each other. That was my whole plan...just to get Jesse back.
It was.

"Yeah I don't mind, but i actually have to go soon. I think it'd be best to tell Jesse that I wasn't here. Is that okay? Sorry." I say, feeling sweat and heat starting to form.

"Yeah, I guess." He responds disappointed.

I get up and go to the restroom. I freshen up a little bit.
It's been like 10 mins in here, I've been taking too long. I exit the bathroom, then
I quickly walk out the cafe and wave goodbye to Zach, he just smiles with an upset expression.

As I'm walking out I look to my left and see someone.

My heart starts to race.

It's Jesse and Raina.

I pull my jacket hoodie over my head even though it's 87° F out. I may seem a little shady but as long as Jesse doesn't notice me.

I feel Jesse walk past me, and I hope that he didn't see me.

I quickly rush out.

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