꧁Don't Blame the Dog: Chapter 4꧂

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So this is the first new chapter that has never been published. 

3rd person POV:

The scarlets and golds of the room attracted M/n's eye first, and then she landed on the two girls perched on a bed, speaking to each other in relaxed tones.

"Well, Miss Burgis said that the green would clash with the orange," a girl stated, holding a golden curl from the other girl's head and casting an anxious glance at the magazine on the bed beside them.

"Parvati, you should know Miss Burgis isn't always cor—"

The girl paused abruptly, her brown eyes catching sight of Lily and M/n standing awkwardly near the door. The other girl, who Lily could only see her silky, black hair trailing down her back in a plait, looked over her shoulder at the two new girls.

"You must be why those two beds showed up earlier," the golden-haired girl said.

The other girl, who M/n conferred was of some sort of South-Asian ethnicity, stared at her and Lily curiously.

M/n tore her eyes off of the girl and looked around the room. There were four empty beds, though the two closest to the bed the two girls were sitting on were clearly already taken. On one, the covers and sheets were neatly folded and a stack of books and a couple quills adorned the side table, while the bed next to that was unmade with the leather trunk on the end propped open slightly.

"We're new," Lily grinned, absentmindedly pushing her newly dark hair out of her face.

"I'm Lavender," the blonde said, her brown skin almost glowing from the glint of the early morning sun shining through the window. "And this is Parvati."

"I'm Audrey Walker and that's R/n Clarke," Lily explained smoothly, taking in all the change that occurred to the dormitory. "We'll stay out of your hair, don't worry.."

Parvati smiled at Lily and M/n, and once the former peered at the two beds that were empty, she raised an arched eyebrow.

"Those beds belong to our other two roommates."

"Oh, nice..." M/n said nonchalantly, hovering near one of the new beds. "Who are they?"

Parvati and Lavender exchanged panicked looks.

"Hermione Granger is that one," Parvati explained nervously, pointing to the bed with the stack of books. "And — well you know Y/n L/n, of course—"

"Why would we know Y/n L/n?" Lily yelped in an almost panicked tone. "I've never heard that name before."

"How — have you not been reading the Daily Prophet or Witch Weekly the past five years?" Lavender gaped.

"Of course, she's not nearly as famous as Harry, but she's still very well-known," Parvati added.

"We didn't get the Daily Prophet from where we're from," M/n said quickly.

She took a seat on her bed, letting what the Parvati and Lavender told her cycle through her brain. Her daughter was famous — James's son was famous.

The stupid prat probably did something to cause it, M/n angrily thought, thinking of ways James could make his son famous.

"Why is Y/n famous exactly?" Lily asked, lowering herself into the bed next to M/'s.

The girls looked at each other once more, seeming to be in a silent battle for what to say.

"She's been through a lot, but she's also been well-known her whole life thanks to the her veela heritage...but the last couple of years have really...topped it off?" Lavender started weakly, making M/n's mind reel once more.

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