Reckless: Chapter 2

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I'm literally writing down a list to remember all the nextgen kids 😟

anyways, you don't need to worry about Y/n and Harry naming any of their kids after Snape or Dumbles

Some of the next gen kids will have different houses or ages compared to other fics or whatever they were like in the cursed child (it's been four years since I read that 💃🏼)

3rd person POV:

Harry only had a couple seconds to register himself hitting a floor until someone fell on top of him.

"Ronald!" He heard someone squeak angrily, but he didn't have the heart to care. "You broke it."

The person rolled off of him, and thanks to the low cusses coming from them, he assumed it was Y/n.

It still felt as if he'd been punched in the stomach and he couldn't properly catch his breath. Harry laid still for a couple seconds until his heart rate returned to normal.

Finally feeling the strength to sit up, he slowly moved until he was back on his feet.

It didn't seem like they were anywhere new; the Black Lake was still gleaming under the sun and students were lounging on the grass.

The only difference was how bright everything seemed — there was no Dementor in sight.

Harry kept observing until he reached his own group of friends. Y/n was looking around with a critical eye, Hermione was near to tears, and Ron was gaping at someone who looked oddly like him across the like. 

"What — was that?" Ron spoke up, his hair flaring in the sun.

"Hermione, you have some explaining to do," Y/n said suddenly.

"You don't know understand — Dumbledore trusted me, and now — Ron, oh, I'll kill you—"

Ron only furrowed his eyebrows, and then pointed again to a what looked like a younger, brown-haired version of himself.

"Explain why your jewelry transported all these new students here."

Now that Y/n was actually examining the students, she had to admit that she recognized no one.

"It didn't transport them to us — it transported us to them—"

"—you have a Timeturner," Y/n said suddenly, eyes glancing over the chain Hermione was furiously trying to fix.

"Why would Hermione have a Timeturner?" Harry finally spoke up.

The fact that they were in a different year didn't have the shock factor he thought it would.

"Classes," Hermione miserably said. "And now it's broken."

"What year are we in?" Y/n said suddenly, eyes narrowed at someone across the lawn.

Hermione, as if just now realizing something bad could happen, slapped a hand over Y/n's eyes.

"What was that for?" Harry inquired, now looking in the direction Y/n was previously peering at.

"Can't. Mess. Up. The. Future," Hermione grunted out, yanking on Harry's arm.

Harry only caught a glance at an older, raven-haired boy before he was whipped around towards Hermione and Y/n.

"Blimey," Ron whistled. "That must be your son, Harry."

Harry let out a weak laugh, his stomach flipping at the thought of being a father. He was only thirteen, and hadn't even thought about whether he wanted kids.

Timeturners and transfiguration  (h.p. X fem. reader)Where stories live. Discover now