The Ode To Temptation Chapter 1

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Hey guys, this is just a new story I'm adding to this book. It's the next-gen kids traveling to the past - incidentally landing during the TriWizard Tournament

Please note that the ages, houses, and relations between the next Gen kids have been changed by me. I'm not trying to be accurate since there's no concrete information, and I don't want to go by the cursed child tbh bc ew. And obviously, not all cousins/friends will be able to make the time travel trip, but they will be mentioned.

3rd person POV:

The grounds of Hogwarts were in utter disarray.

But even through the complete chaos, it had to be one of Elara Potter's day of the school year. As it was every year, classes were canceled on the anniversary of the Hogwarts and a small festival took place on the grounds. Students were allowed to laze around on the beach of the black lake, soaking in the sun before the final weeks of studying for the exams came in.

Elara didn't participate in that though, unlike her brother, James, who she spied riding on the back of the giant squid as if it were a surfboard. She scoffed as students on the beach whooped and cheered.

Her cousin, Fred, looked particularly smug as he spoke animatedly to a group of girls.

Though the h/c occasionally enjoyed her brother's mindless behavior, she knew today was not the day for it.  Many across the country were mourning their losses, small memorials set up for them, and here her brother was going the extra mile to impress some girls.

"You look as if you're trying to knock him off the squid with your mind," came a girl's voice.

Elara didn't have to turn to know who had found her.

Dominique Weasley was her closest friend, after all. The thing about the Weasleys was that she had grown up with them  - they were practically her cousins. She hadn't always been close with the strawberry blonde, mainly due to her growing up in Shell Cottage, but when they were both frightened, little first years sorted in Ravenclaw, they instantly drew towards one another.

Dominique was there for her when she cried the first night, disappointed she was already straying from her parent's path by the minute. For her first eleven years, she had grown up snuggled in her dad's old red and gold jumpers, eyes gleaming as her mum told her stories of the magical castle. When the old hat had rumbled, "RAVENCLAW" she immediately felt her eyes stinging and a heart heavy with disappointment.

But her cousin had been the one to show her how amazing her house was; the fastest way to answer the riddle, how great the stars looked from the north window, and how their circular common room was much better than the stuffy Gryffindor's.

"I would if I had time," Elara finally answered, "but I need to find my parents before their speech-"

"You mean you want to badger them for clues."

"Sort of," Elara said, a mixed expression coming over her face.

"which means you want to want a headstart to beat James and Ruben," Dominique deadpanned, giving a knowing expression.

The h/c girl paused, a smile sneaking on her face.

"To be frank, yes."

Her friend let out a laugh, head was thrown back in joy. Elara grinned, there was always something about being able to make someone laugh that gave her joy.

Harry and Y/n had both been traumatized when Elara found out the truth of the day, and they were desperate to make the day have some positive connotations to it. They had always been light with the details of the past, not going in far with detail as they would with her at this age, but not too much that she would be considered dumb next to her peers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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