~|Chapter 1|~

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"You monster! You killed him!" Lisa ran at me, gun in her hands. "You monster!"

Her eyes were black as night as she stared into my soul. Her teeth were sharp like razors that could cut through my flesh at any given moment.

"No, it's not my fault..." I backed away, bumping into a wall.

All of a sudden we were in a small room. No windows, no doors, just one light hung in the middle to illuminate the whole room.

There was no where I could go. I could scream, but no one would come to my aid. It was over for me.

Lisa raised her gun. Black ink poured out of her eyes, replacing her tears.

"You killed my son." She sobbed and fired her gun.


My eyes open with a start and I realize my pillow is damp.

The sounds of honking and sirens fill my ears from the busy streets bellow. We were staying in a hotel in Toronto, Canada. It's been two weeks since we fled Washington. Two weeks since I lost a pack member, someone I held close to my heart.

I keep getting these strange nightmares every night. Lisa attacking me with pitch black eyes, blaming me for his death. I can't bare to hear his name, his face haunts me everywhere I go. Ezra worries about me. I rarely say anything anymore and when I do it's just about our destinations or something serious. We never talk about our home, the friends we left, the people who died. It's just all too painful to remember.

I get up from my bed, my bare feet touching the fuzzy carpet. I shuffle over to the window and pull back the curtain, looking out at all the buildings and cars lighting up the night.

"Blue?" I hear a soft voice behind me, "Are you okay?"

"Ezra, go back to sleep. Please." I whisper softly, "I'm alright."

She stares at me silently and slowly nods, "Alright."

I quickly glance at the clock. Two fifty-seven in the morning.

I look back out the window, surprised at how busy the city is at night. I'm not normally a city person and a concrete forest is no place for a wolf, but I find ease in the nightlife sounds. As a child I've always been sheltered from society and I grew up in a small town. I love the forest, but it's always fun to get an escape from all the trees.

I let the curtain slip from my fingers as it falls back into place, blocking the lights from coming through the window. I quietly walk away from the window and down the small hallway, into the bathroom. Walking onto the cold tiles I flip on the light, blinding my eyes for a couple seconds.

I walk over to the sink and turn on the faucet, letting the cold water heat up as it ran. I stick my hands under the running water and splash it on my face. Shaking my head, I grab a small towel next to the sink. Drying my face, I open my eyes and look at the mirror.

It was him. His face replaced mine and I jumped back, frightened. Backing up into the wall, his face didn't disappear from the spot I once stood. His dark blue eyes stared straight at me and his brown hair was lightly spiked like he always had it.

"Why?" I whispered, "Why are you haunting me?"

He stayed silent, staring at me and not even blinking. He had a soft expression, he wasn't angry or sad. It almost looked like a mix of pity and worry.

"Don't give me that look. You know I hate it when people pity me." I stare at the mirror.

His face seemed to disappear from the glass and fade away. I slump to the floor and lay my head back against the wall.


I wake with a start and hear pounding on the door.

"Blue! Open up!" Ezra shouted from the other side.

"I must have dosed off." I scratch my head and slowly stand up.

I unlock the door and open it to see a worried Ezra standing in front of me.

"I've been knocking for ten minutes. Everything okay?" She asks, you could her the concern in her voice.

"Yeah, I just dosed off that's all." I brush past her, walking out of the bathroom and over towards the window.

Sliding the curtains all the way open, the morning sunlight seeps through the windows, lighting up the room.

I slip on a pair of dark blue jeans and put on a dark grey shirt. Tying my last shoelace, I stand up and slip on his black jacket.

"We are getting breakfast before we leave, right?" Ezra asks, walking out of the bathroom and drying her hair with a towel.

"Of course." I nod and grab my backpack, packing it back up.

"Why do we always leave so soon? We spend the night at one hotel and skip to the next town. There's no need to run anymore, we're safe."

"Ezra," I look up from my bag to look at her, "Dr. Whitewood could be on us any minute. New country or not, she can still expose us."

"Why does it matter? She has no real proof. We don't live there anymore." Ezra argues.

"Also giving her a reason to track us down." I continue to pack again.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me stop and look up.

"Blue, I know your having a hard time. I miss him too. But, Jos-."

"Don't." I look at her with my eyes narrowed, tears were threatening to spill out, "Don't you dare say his name." My voice was shaky.

A tear escaped one of her eyes but she quickly wiped it away. She walked over to her bed and began packing up her backpack as well.

An instant guilt ran over me and I really wanted to say something to her. In the corner of my eye, he stood by the Tv, leaning against the wall with a small disapproving look on his face.

He was wearing my favorite outfit. Dark blue jeans, white shirt with his school tie, and his black jacket I was wearing. He nodded towards Ezra.

I let out a shaky deep breath and nodded. Walking over to Ezra I place my hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me with glossy eyes.

"I'm-" I swallow. I was having a hard time speaking as tear ran down my cheek, "I just miss Josiah so much."

Tears ran down her cheeks as well and she wrapped her arms around me, "I miss him too. It's hard for the both of us right now."

"I'm sorry I snapped at you. I know you were just trying to comfort me." I cry into her shoulder.

"I just-" I stutter, "I see him everywhere I go. The nightmares are getting to me, I'm starting to blame myself for his death Ezra." I sob.

She squeezes me tighter, "Blue, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for the witch's actions. Josiah saved you from that bullet. He saved you for a reason and I don't think he would enjoy seeing you like this."

I squeeze her tighter. Both of us were a mess.

I take a deep breath and step back. Wiping the tears off my face.

"We should get going." Ezra sniffs and slips her backpack onto her shoulders, "We'll miss breakfast if we don't." She smiles at me.

I grin at her and it felt like the first time in over a decade.

I'm going to get through this. One step at a time.

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