~|Chapter 14|~

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Hey guys! Little note here.
So I've totally planned out the end to this series. I'm also really sorry for the lack of updates. I honestly have no excuse, I had a random burst of ideas for the end of this book but I don't exactly have a well planned out middle. So stick with me, I'll try to finish this soon.
-Aspen (Kogawolf)
Blue's PoV~

My eyes slowly opened as pain abruptly washed over my body, making my muscles tense. I heard whispers in the tent I was being held captive. One voice caught my attention and I had a sudden urge to kill her, brutally. Struggling between my urge and the chains that held me down, I knew deep inside I couldn't do it.

"Let me go." I whispered, my voice hoarse from the previous screaming I had done. A shadow came across my vision and it kneeled down in front of me.

"Blue? Is it truly you?" The familiar soft voice whispered.

A hand grabbed mine and I fought against the part of me that wanted to kill. My eyes focused on the figure, curly brown hair ran along her shoulders as worried eyes stared at my helpless form.

"M-Mom?" I whisper softly, blinking my eyes rapidly as tears began to form.

Was it really her? Was she still alive or was I just... Dead?

The grip tightened on my arm and I blinked once more, the figure's face became more clear. The worried eyes turned a soft golden brown.

"Sorry to break your heart sis, but mom is gone." The figure spoke.

A small grin spread across my lips as realization sunk in, "Ezra..." I muttered softly.

Hope had replaced the worry in her eyes as I said her name. I didn't understand why I wanted to hurt her so badly, she was my sister. The only family I had left.


Ezra's PoV~

"We have to help her as soon as we can. I can't stand seeing her like this anymore!" I yelled while looking at my sister's limp body.

She was super skinny from the lack of food she would take. Weeks upon weeks of failure of trying to bring her back. She occasionally hit weak points where her true self would rise to the surface, but then she would groan in pain and immediately try to attack me once again. It broke my heart, I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted my sister back and I would do anything to make it happen.

"Can we just find this fucking whistle and break it in half!?" I screamed at Aron, my fists were clenched so tight my nails dug into my palm.

"Ezra, calm down." Luka came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

I released my balled up fists but refused to calm down. The last couple weeks had been torture. Ever since finding out about the Ulvplystre and knowing there was a way to bring my sister back, I wanted it to happen now more then ever.

"I understand your impatience Ezra," Aron paced, "But we cannot make any rash decisions. It is Blue's choice on whether she wants to be saved! We can't break the Ulvplystre."

"How can it even be her choice!? She doesnt even understand what she is doing half the time!" I shattered a glass on Luka's grand meeting table, cutting my hand in the process.

My sudden outburst made Luka jump back. A guard even poked his head in out of curiosity. Luka relaxed and waved the guard off. I continued to steam with rage and Aron looked at me with surprise. Shaking my head I stormed out of the tent with Luka calling my name to come back. My shoulder bumped Trystan's as she headed toward the direction out of camp. She continues on and I raise an eyebrow as I see a pack hanging off her right shoulder. Trying not to bring attention to the randomness of Trystan, I continue to walk towards Aron's tent.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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