~|Chapter 3|~

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"How much further exactly?" I mumble, my legs were getting tired.

"Almost there." Trystan says, still leading the way.

We were deep into the woods by now. About 18 miles or so from the city. It was nice smelling the pine again and the normal sight of green hovering above me.

Ezra sucked in a deep breath, enjoying the beautiful air. It reminded us of home.

The thoughts of home clouded my mind. Then the images from the attack flashed before my eyes. My legs felt numb as the image of Josiah's lifeless body stuck in my brain. I shook my head violently, grabbing at my hair, trying to force the picture out. But, no matter what I did, it stuck there like a rock and sunk in.

I collapsed to my knees and started sobbing softly. I heard small whispers of comfort, but the image wouldn't go away.

Ezra shook my shoulder, whispering softly. But I couldn't make out her words. Lisa's screams from my nightmares seemed to fill in the noises as Josiah still laid lifeless on the grass.

I almost gasp awake as the image fades away. The light shining through the trees blinds me for a few moments, making my headache more prominent than ever.

"Blue, are you okay?" I could barely make out Ezra's words. They seemed distant and cloudy.

"Just....Just give me a moment." I say, breathing heavily and wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Okay, what the hell just happened?" Trystan looks at us confused.

"Let's just say, I have slight PTSD." I grin slightly, still trying to slow my breathing and heart rate.

"It's a long story and I think it's best we don't tell it right now." Ezra says, helping me up from the ground by my shoulder.

"Let's keep going." I nod, my breathing getting slightly better.

"Alright." Trystan says and gives me a quick glance before she leads again.

"I'm fine. Let's go." I say and shrug off Ezra's hand.

Ezra shakes her head slightly, "You know you don't have to be so independent all the time." She whispers to me as we hike through the woods.

"I just need some time Ez. Losing Josiah is probably the hardest thing for me right now." I whisper.

"I know. But, I just want you to know that I'm here for you. You don't have to go through this alone." She says softly.

We continue to walk through the woods. Birds chirped high up in the trees. The sound of a running river brings joy to my ears.

I run off towards it's direction with a big smile on my face. It's been a long time since I've heard these noises and I could definitely go for a drink of water.

I burst out of the clearing and see the river. I skid my knees across the rocks and cup my hands into the water. Ezra and Trystan step out of the trees and kneel next to me, getting some water too.

"This tastes amazing!" Ezra says, she had a huge smile on her face.

"So much better than city water." Trystan exclaims with a small laugh.

I take another handful of water when a twig snaps on the other side of the river. The three of us snap to attention and look ahead of us.

A young wolf steps out from the trees. Panting slightly and not even noticing us at first. He walks over to the water, taking a few drinks. Trystan shifts her boots in the rocks and the wolf's head shoots up and he starts growling.

"It's okay. We mean no harm." I put my hands up and calmly say.

The wolf loosens up and looks at the three of us. His eyes stopping on Ezra.

"No...It can't be..." Ezra whispers, taking a closer look at the wolf.

The wolf slowly shifts forms and stands up on his two feet. His green eyes widen in surprise.

"Ezra..? Is that really you?" He asks slowly.

"L-Luka...?" Ezra breaths out.

We we're all in shock.

"It is you!" He yells and runs through the water.

He picks up Ezra a twirls her around a couple times.

"I can't believe it's really you!" He yells and sets her back down onto the ground.

"I could say the same. I'm so glad to see you!" She hugs him again.

He chuckles slightly and looks up at me.

"Nice to see you again Blue." He says with a small grin.

"Oh so Ezra gets a hug but I practically get a 'hey'?" I tease, folding my arms and standing in a sassy pose.

"Oh come here." He chuckles and walks over to me, giving me a big hug.

"I missed you too." He whispers.

I giggle slightly and playfully punch his arm, "Don't get all soft on me Luka."

He laughs and looks up over my shoulder, his smile slowly fading.

"Trystan." He says.

"Hey Luka! How's it going?" She smiles and walks over next to me.

"You two know each other?" Ezra walks over and asks.

"Yeah, she's-"

"We were in the same pack." Trystan interrupts Luka.

"Right." Luka says and turns to face Ezra.

"So, what brings you guys out here in Canada?" He smiles and looks around, "And where's Josiah?"

"Um..." Ezra swallows hard and glances at me.

My eyes were a little misty, "You can take this one Ezra." I gulp and turn away.

Trystan gives me a sympathetic look and I ignore her. I walk over the the river and sit down next to it, hoping that the running water will distract me from the story.

Ezra tells the story as quietly she could, but my wolf ears picked up every word.

"Lisa picked up her gun and shot it. Josiah pushed Blue out of the way, taking the bullet himself. He died in Blue's arms shortly after." She said, choking back her tears.

"Wow." Luka said baffled.

I look over and see his eyes are red. He was trying to stay as strong as he could.

"I always thought me and him would get along great." He sniffed and blinked away the water forming in his eyes.

"Blue." Luka looked over at me and I glanced up at him, tears were running down my cheeks, "I'm so sorry." His voice cracked.

I hated seeing him like this and the pain in my chest ached even more. I let out a small cough and stood up, wiping away my tears. My eyes felt puffy and my nose was running.

"Let's get a move on shall we." I said as more of a statement rather than a question.

I hopped over the river to where we first saw Luka walk out of the trees. I stepped into the brush and disappeared from their sight.

"I hope she's okay." I heard Luka whisper behind me.

"She'll be fine. She just needs some time to recover." Ezra whispered to him.

We walked through the forest, quiet and steady. Following the scent of wild wolves.

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