~|Chapter 6|~

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The next morning was peaceful. The storm blew over during the night, leaving a bright blue sky in its place.

I sat up in my makeshift bed, made of wool and a piece of leather. Stretching my arms out, I yawn loudly. Ezra's eyes flutter open as she glances up at me.

"Good morning sleepy head." I say with a big grin on my face.

She sits up slowly and stares at me, "You're not a morning person. Who are you and what have you done with my sister?"

I let out a small laugh and stand up from my bed, "I have no idea. I finally got some good sleep last night."

I slip on a pair of jeans and Josiah's leather jacket over my gray t-shirt. Ezra slipped on her jeans and put on a white shirt. Then putting her brown hair into a side braid that laid along her left shoulder.

"Lets get some food." I grin at her and hook my arm around her shoulders.

We walk out of the tent simultaneously, heading over to the big campfire where Luka and his father already sat eating breakfast.

"Good morning ladies." Luka says to the both of us with a small smile.

"Beautiful morning." I smile and grab a deer leg.

Luka raised an eyebrow and leaned closer to Ezra, whispering into her ear, "What's with her this morning?"

"Great question. She sure is chipper." Ezra whispered back, tearing a piece of meat from the deer carcass that was cooking over the fire.

I giggle slightly, "I'm fine you guys. You should be happy I'm in a chipper mood for once."

"Doesn't mean it wont freak us out." Luka mumbles slightly.

A half-awake Trystan walked over to the fire and grabbed a piece of meat. Her blonde hair was in a loose ponytail and she wore a pair of jean shorts and a light grey shirt.

"Morning Trystan." I grinned at her.

She looked at me with slight disgust, "Why are you so chipper? Shouldn't you be depressed about your boyfriend as usual?"

Ezra and Luka shot her death glares, but my smile never faded from my lips.

"Shouldn't you be moping around and complaining how your own father kicked you out of his pack like usual?" I ask with a small smirk.

She glared at me for a couple seconds more, then dropping her gaze and eating her breakfast.

A small owl hooted from a tree above us as a small breeze danced through the branches. Tiny crickets and frogs still sang from the river nearby. And birds fluttered through the trees, rising with the morning sun and chirping along. The scorching fire was crackling as usual. More people slowly woke up and the camp came alive as time ticked by.

Finishing our breakfast, Ezra, Luka and I went on a small walk into the forest.

"Now we don't always have peaceful times like this," Luka talked as we walked through the woods, "There is another pack out here in the woods. Of course we have set our territory boundaries, but they have held a grudge ever since we moved in here."

"Are they much of a problem?" I asked, looking up at Luka.

"Not a huge problem. But my father says we always need to be careful, the Alpha isn't too friendly. Trust me, I've met him." Luka shook his head slowly, remembering the time he first met the horrid man.

Ezra hopped up on a rock as we neared the river, "Well I hope they stay clear. This pack has a couple of new members that wont back down without a fight." She pumped her fist in the air.

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