~|Chapter 8|~

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We slowly walked through the forest back to our camp. Leaves crunched beneath my feet with every step. My eyes were glued to the ground as I walked, not even paying attention to the two girl's excitedly talking about the rescue mission a few feet ahead. Luka stayed back a little, keeping an eye on me but also walking at a faster pace than my feet could manage.

"Hey, you okay?" He whispered to me, keeping a low voice and trying not to distract the girl's from their fun.

I glanced up at his kind eyes and lowered mine back down to the ground.

"Yeah I guess." I said in a low voice.

"We just saved your sister. Why aren't you happy?" He slowed his pace and walked next to me.

"I just..." I paused, realizing my fists were clenched and relaxed them, "I wanted to finish off Gustus once and for all. That bastard doesn't deserve to live after what he's done." I grit my teeth.

"Honestly, I don't think you're mad at Gustus." Luka says and glances at me.

I perk my head up and look at him, "What do you mean?"

"I think you're mad at yourself and you want to take out your anger on any bad guy you see fit." He says, looking straight ahead as we walked, "You're mad at yourself because you feel useless and can't control what happens around you. You couldn't prevent your mom's death, couldn't prevent Josiah's presumed death, and you were passed out cold while your sister was kidnapped."

My eyes shifted back to the ground as his words sunk in. He was right. I blamed myself for all those events. I could've done something, none of those things would've happened if I wasn't so reckless and let my anger control me. My mom would still be alive if I didn't go after Josiah's dad. Josiah wouldn't have been shot if I didn't kill his dad and make Lisa angry. Ezra wouldn't be in harms way if I thought with my head instead of letting my anger get the best of me.

"You're right..." I mutter, I didn't even notice I stopped walking.

Luka stood patiently in front of me as I looked up. His hand stretched out towards me.

"Move on from those past regrets." He whispered.

I let out a soft sigh, closing my eyes for a second. Taking a step forward I reach out and grab Luka's hand, opening my eyes and looking up at him. A small grin spread across his lips as I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest.

"Thank you." I said, my voice muffled.

A few tears ran down my cheek and soaked into his gray shirt. He wrapped his arms around me accepting the sudden embrace.

"Anything for a sister." He whispered and held me close as my sobs softened.


My eyes were a little puffy from my sudden outburst of tears. We caught back up to the girls who were too busy talking they didn't even notice our disappearance. Luka stood close to me as we walked. It was nice to have someone like him around. A brotherly figure who would do anything to protect you and comfort you. Even Josiah hasn't been the same since he woke up, he had been distant lately. But, luckily I have Luka around to help whenever I need someone. I know Ezra would be there for me in a heart beat also, but there are just some things I couldn't confess to her. Talking to Luka the words just come out so easily.

Ezra finally looked back and smiled at Luka, a soft grin spreading across his lips as he looked at her. She slowed down to walk close to us as Trystan noticed and did the same.

"I never really uh got the chance to thank you for saving us." Ezra said to Luka.

"I'm just glad you weren't hurt." He said softly, looking down into her eyes.

Reaching down and slipping his hand into her's, squeezing it softly. She smiled up at him and wrapped her arm around his, almost hugging it as they walked.

A small smile appeared on my face as I looked at the two walking in front of me. His hand squeezed tighter around her's as if it was slipping from his grasp. She leaned her head on his shoulder as they quietly walked together, never leaving each other's side.

There was a sudden rustle in the tree's as one of Thantos' guards popped out from the brush. His head perked up and sniffed the air, then he looked at Luka.

"Thank you Feirma, we'll be home soon." The wolf prince nodded.

The white-grey wolf covered in armor nodded at Luka and sprinted off back into the forest. Leaving paw prints the size of a grown man's hand.

"Dad sent one of his henchmen to check on us? Lovely." Trystan remarked, folding her arms across her chest.

"He loves us you know." Luka says, glancing at her.

She scoffed, "You mean he loves you."

Luka rolled his eyes and mumbled, "He loves you too. You just ignore him."

Trystan shook her head slightly and seethed out her anger. Standing up straight, she started marching onward towards camp as we followed behind.

As we stepped into the clearing Thantos immediately walked over.

"Are you okay?" He places his hands on Trystan's shoulders and looks her over.

"I'm fine." She shrugs off his hands and walks into her hut.

Thantos stood in silence, shaking his head slowly and staring at the ground.

Luka walks up and places a hand on his father's shoulder, "Just give her some more time dad. She'll come around eventually."

"Yeah, you're right." He mumbles and lifts his head, nodding at his son.

"You're okay!" Someone shouts behind me. I turn around just as I'm engulfed into a hug and lifted off the ground.

"Oh, Josiah." I chuckle as I wrap my arms around his neck.

He set me back on the ground and kisses me quickly, "I'm glad you came back safely."

"Yeah, me too." I fake a smile as I drifted off into thought.

"Hey! Come join us!" Luka called from the bonfire.

Josiah smiled down at me and nodded towards the fire's direction. I let out a small chuckle and nodded. He slipped his hand into mine as he tugged me over towards them.

As we sat down on the log, Luka was the first to notice I wasn't fully there. He gave me a questioning look and I just shrugged it off, picking up a stick and poking the fire.

For some reason I couldn't shake off this feeling. I didn't exactly know what I was feeling. I needed a change of scenery or something. A change from everything.

Standing up, Luka and Ezra gave me and awkward look. Josiah just sat, poking at the fire. Turning around and walking into the woods, I heard Ezra stand up to come after me, but Luka stopped her in her tracks. I needed time alone, time to think.

And I knew exactly how to do that.

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