~|Chapter 4|~

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His head pounded. It felt like he got hit by a boulder. He sat up in the bed and it pounded even more.

"Agh." He groans, rubbing his head.

"Try not to move. You're still badly injured." An older man walked into the room with a glass of water and medicine.

"Who are you?" He narrowed his eyes at him.

"Just a friendly old man. No one important." The old man smiled and handed him the glass of water.

"Now rest up. You should be good as new by tomorrow." With that the old man left the room. Leaving the young teen to his thoughts.


"Man I'm starving!" Ezra says sitting by the camp fire.

The smell of cooked deer filled our noses and my stomach rumbled.

"Me too!" I yell, clinging on to Ezra with excitement.

"Hold on girls." Luka chuckled, turning the stick with the deer meat on it.

"Come on Luka, we're starving over here." Trystan says, walking over and wrapping her arms around his neck.

He laughs slightly as he watches the meat cook over the crackling fire. I look over at Ezra, she was glaring at Trystan.

"Hey." I whisper and elbow her.

She glances at me and shakes her head slightly. She looks at the fire, poking it with a stick.

"Alright girls." Luka grins, "Get your din din." He laughs.

"Thank you!" Trystan says and grabs a deer leg, then kissing Luka on the cheek.

Ezra growls slightly and I elbow her again. She stands up, grabbing a piece of the cooked deer and walks away into the woods. I shake my head slightly, ripping off a deer leg and taking a bite.

"Is she okay?" Luka asks, finally grabbing some food for himself.

"Yeah, she's just a little on edge." I say, biting into the meat again.

"Well, should I go talk to her?" He says, standing up.

"Nah, just give her some space Luka. She's a hormonal girl." Trystan says, kicking back and propping her feet on top of a log.

I look up and glare at her, "You know you're a girl too right?"

"What, really?! I didn't even notice!" Trystan says in a sarcastic tone and glares at me.

"Ladies, take it easy." Luka says, glancing at the both of us.

"Are you challenging me?" I ask and stand up, "An Alpha of her own pack."

She stands up and steps closer to me, inches away from my face, "I don't see much of a pack." She growls.

My eyes turn a light blue and my teeth grow sharp. I bare my canines and snarl at her, my claws growing out. Her light blue, gray eyes turned a dark cyan and she starts growling.

"Girls, girls! Knock it off!" Luka walks over and tries pulling her away.

"This is a challenge Luka! Back away!" I bark at him.

He backs off immediately, letting go of Trystan's shoulder and standing silently.

"What are you waiting for Alpha?!" Trystan barks.

I snarl even louder and step closer, warning her to back down.

"Are you waiting for your boyfriend to come and save you? Oh wait, he's dead!" She yells.

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