~|Chapter 7|~

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"A squirrel? Is that really what you brought me to eat?" Trystan glared at the twelve year-old wolf boy.

"It's the best I could catch." The boy shrugged.

He leaned forward placing his hands on the rope that bound Ezra and Trystan to the tree, trying to tighten it so they couldn't escape.

Trystan growled and jumped at the boy, making him step back in fear.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "You come near me again, you'll be missing a hand." She growled.

The boy backed up a few feet and then sprinted into a hut.

"That's what I thought." Trystan smirked.

"Really? Do you think scaring a young boy is going to help our problem?" Ezra said, struggling to get out of the rope's grasp.

"I'd like to have some sort of amusement as we wait for our heros." Trystan laid her head back against the tree, staring through the branches and at the clouds.

Ezra let out a deep sigh, "At least make yourself useful. I'd rather not wait here for hours waiting helplessly for a rescue mission."

"Fine." Trystan mumbled and tried to reach for her pocket. Grabbing what she was looking for, she pulls it out of her pocket and flips it open.

"A pocket knife? Really! You couldn't have used that sooner!?" Ezra said, getting frustrated.

"I always carry around a pocket knife." Trystan smirked as she cut the ropes and they collapsed to the ground, "And like I said, I like to amuse myself."

"Clearly." Ezra mumbled with a glare and started walking into the woods.

"What's your problem with me anyway?" Trystan asked, following behind Ezra's footsteps.

"Well ever since we met, you always seem to have an attitude. And you purposely made it look like you were dating Luka, just to piss me off." Ezra pushes a tree branch out of her way, almost smacking Trystan in the face when it came back.

"Sorry." Ezra whispers and continues to walk.

Trystan glares at the back of her head but stays silent.

"Just so you know, I really don't like you." Trystan openly states.

"Good to know." Ezra mumbles.

"But the reason I acted that way with Luka, is I really care for my brother and he always looks out for me. I just don't want him getting hurt." Trystan says, stepping over a large tree branch that fell on the ground.

"I understand. I didn't like Josiah in the beginning either." Ezra said.

Trystan grins slightly, "So you know how it goes. Siblings always have to look out for each other."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Ezra looked down at the ground but continued to walk.

"I'm sorry..." Ezra paused, "About being-"

"A bitch?" Trystan grinned.

Ezra let out a small laugh, "Yeah you're right. I guess I was being one."

"Hey, it's not just you. I was being one too." Trystan laughs.

Ezra laughs along as the two girls trek through the forest.

"We're girls. We always have our moments." Ezra grins.

"Oh that's so true. You need to ask Luka about the time I almost bit his ear off once." Trystan smirks.

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