~|Chapter 5|~

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"I wonder if that brown wolf is going to be alright." Ezra says.

The four of us sat around the campfire. A piece of deer meat dangled from my hand, but no bite marked its surface.

Thoughts raced through my brain. At first I thought my mind was playing tricks, but those eyes seemed to match his. But, he couldn't be. He died in my arms, I felt the very air leave his lungs as his eyes closed. I had to see who it was, my mind won't stop until I find out.

"Do you think they'd let me in there?" I ask Luka, handing Ezra my meal.

She gave me a questionable look, but didn't deny the gesture.

"I don't think so. Why do you want to go in there anyway?" Luka gave me a suspicious look.

"I thought I saw something..." I whispered softly.

"Yeah, an injured wolf who's probably going to die." Trystan remarked, but I ignored her.

Thantos walks over to Luka, sitting down next to his son and elbowing him slightly. Luka laughs quietly and grabs a piece of meat for his father.

"Well, it's nice to see you two young ladies again." He smiles at Ezra and me.

His eyes shift over to Trystan who sat on a separate log beside us. Thantos' smile slowly faded away and he let out a low cough. Trystan's head popped up and she smirked at the sight of the Alpha.

"Trystan." Thantos grumbled, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Hello Father, long time no see." She smiled.

"Father!?" Ezra and I yell at the same time, catching glances from other wolves walking by.

"You didn't know?" Thantos looked at us.

"No." I shook my head slightly and glanced at Trystan.

A small evil grin spread across her lips as she bit into her food. Luka sat quietly, not even acknowledging the topic.

"Well is someone going to fill us in?" Ezra asked.

"Go on dad, tell them how you banished your own daughter for trying to save the pack." Trystan sat up and glared at him.

"You weren't saving the pack, you were gonna destroy it!" Thantos shouted.

Trystan's face turned red and she stood up, "That's not how I saw it! I'd give my life up for this pack. You weren't there!" She yelled and stormed away.

My eyes followed her towards the woods as she disappeared into the trees. I turn back around and stare into the flames of the fire, trying to forget the drama that just took place. Ezra opened her mouth to say something but I placed my hand on her knee. She glanced at me and then looked at Thantos, he was deep in thought and his face showed a small pained expression. Ezra sat quietly and stared at the fire, hands in her lap. The crackling drowned out the talking around us, sort of putting me in a soft trance. The flames danced in a swift motion, making me more intrigued. Footsteps walking closer made me jump slightly, startling me out of my day dream. I sat up to see Aron walk around me and sit on the log close to Thantos.

"How's the young wolf?" Thantos asked, looking at the omega.

"Better. He is still dehydrated and wont stop panting, his body temperature is pretty high. He just needs to rest. The medicine should kick in shortly." Aron said softly and nodded to Thantos.

"Thank you Aron. You did well." Thantos patted his friend on the shoulder and grinned.

I slowly stood up and headed towards the hut. A voice behind me made me jump and turn around.

"Blue? Where you going?" Ezra stood up and asked.

"Uh, water. I'm getting some water." I say with a small nod and turn around.

I walked closer to the hut made of wood and cloth. Pushing back the cloth in the doorway, I looked back to see if anyone was watching me. Seeing no one, I walked into the small wooden tent and turned toward a table. A brown wolf laid upon it, still breathing as heavily as they brought it in before. Silently, I walked over to the table and knelt down next to it. I lifted my hand slowly, placing it down on the wolf's shoulder. The wolf let out a tiny whine and it's eyes twitched, but stayed closed.

I stroked the wolf's side as his breathing seemed to slowly calm down. A small grin spread across my lips as the wolf seemed to rest peacefully.

"Hey!" A strong voice said behind me and I quickly stood up.

Luka stood speechless in front of the entrance, "Blue? What are you doing in here!" He whispered loudly.

"Shh. The wolf is finally asleep." I walked closer to him and grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the hut.

I stood before him and his green eyes held a curious expression.

"I wanted to make sure who it was. He seemed familiar." I whisper silently.

Luka looked even more confused, "What do you mean?"

I let out a deep sigh as my eyes fell to the ground, "I..." I paused and looked back up at Luka, "I thought it was him."

Luka's eyes widened, "You mean Josiah."

My heart shattered every time his name was spoken. I choked back the tears and nodded silently. Luka placed his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. I couldn't resist his warm embrace, Luka was already starting to act like an older brother to me.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into my ear.

I shook my head, "No, don't be. I just had this sliver of hope. But, I knew it was too good to be true."

"Hey," He leaned back and looked at me, "Don't give up. We don't exactly know who he is. Just give him some time to heal before you go all detective." He smiles.

I let out a small laugh, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Keeping one arm wrapped around my shoulder, Luka escorted me back to the campfire.

"Thank you, Luka." I whisper as we walk closer to the fire.

"For what?" He asks.

"For being here for me. You and Ezra both." I say as we reach the logs.

Luka let out a small chuckle, "No problem sis."

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