~|Chapter 10|~

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Hey guys Koga here! Quick chapter dedication. I'd like to give a shout out to Purplebookeater, Lialew02, Yoshifan1029, Madelonnnnnnn and TeenRIOT. Thank you guys for all your support I really appreciate it. You guys are seriously amazing and don't listen to anyone who says differently ;)


Ezra's PoV~

"Sis, is that really you?" I leaned forward sticking out my hand.

She growled even more and snapped at my hand which I quickly pulled back.

I sniffed and wiped away the tears streaming down my cheeks, "It's me, Ezra. You're little sister."

I was shaking slightly. I was relieved that I finally found her, but I was also frightened because she looked at me with such a heartless glare. She wasn't acting like herself.

"Ezra!" A voice echoed from within the forest.

"Luka!" I shouted, revealing my location.


It had been 8 months since she left the camp. Wandering through the woods on her four strong paws. Only memory's and images flashing in her mind, but she thought with her stomach and not her head. Food was the only thing she was looking for and at that moment, a doe was nearby.

A branch snapped behind her, catching her full attention. She growled towards the noise. The doe in front of her jumped from the sudden threat and began running into the forest.

The deer suddenly catching her attention again, she bolted after her game. The growling in her stomach increasing slowly. She snapped her teeth at the doe's hind legs as a gun shot rang out.

She fell to the floor with a huge thud as a dark shadow hovered above her.

"Shit." A voice broke out.

She was lifted into the air, whimpering softly from the pain in her left shoulder. It was always her left shoulder.

It was a long journey until she heard a door bust open. She was losing a lot of blood. He set her down on a table and rummaged through his cabinets for a first aid kit.

"Don't worry. I'll fix you up in no time." He rubbed her head softly and opened the white box with 'First Aid' written in red bold letters.

Taking out some gauze and grabbing a bottle of alcohol from a near by cabinet, he drenched the gauze with the clear liquid and rubbed the wound clean. She whimpered softly from the pain and twitched. Grabbing some tweezers, the guy stuck them in the bullet hole to try to get the bullet out before it caused major damage.

"Shh hold still." The guy said in a soft tone and plucked out the bullet as she squirmed.

He picked up a sewing needle with some thread and started to stitch the wound. She whimpered and growled at the man.

"I'm sorry. I know it hurts." He said as he finished the last stitch, "Done with the hard part."

Picking up another piece of gauze he placed it on the bullet hole and used wrap to hold it in place.

"Rest now." The man pat her side as the wolf drifted into a deep sleep.

In the morning she woke up to the smell of meat being cooked. Not any ordinary meat either, it was the familiar smell of bacon. She hardly remembered her human days and cooking bacon, but it was still meat and it smelled delicious.

She sat up and hopped off the table, stumbling slightly from trying to keep her weight off her injured leg. Hobbling into the kitchen she saw the man who rescued her. He wore a hunter's camo hat with a red flannel. His light brown hair curled around the back of the hat.

Withering FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora