To Love - 1

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Dedicated to siaitiyu
Hope you enjoy it dear!❤️❤️

Kongpob ran down the stairs when he heard the doorbell ring.


Kongpob rushed into his father's arms, not minding the two people who were behind him.

"Hey, my boy!" Kerkkrai ruffled Kongpob's hair.

Kongpob smiled but it soon faded when he saw the two persons standing at the door. He pulled away from his father and cleared his throat, he knows the lady who's standing at the door but never has he seen the boy standing near her with a dimpled smile displayed on his face.

"Kong, I want to tell you something." Kerkkrai cleared his throat.

Kongpob bit his lips as he nodded, he kind of knew what his father was going to tell and even though he was not a fan of what is going to be said he'll try to digest it.

"You already know that I and Achara are in a relationship, and well...I- I proposed to her a week before and decided that we would stay together here."

Kongpob stared at his father, devoid of any emotion he just nodded his head surprising Kerkkrai and Achara.

"You're okay with it?" Kerkkrai asked with wide eyes.

Kongpob sighed, "If I say I'm not okay then what will you do? Find some other place for both of you to stay? I don't want that. I want my dad to be with me and if this decision makes you happy then I have no issues. I just want you to be happy."

Kerkkrai smiled widely before he engulfed his only son in his arms, "Thank you Kong, thank you so much. I love you."

Kongpob smiled and nodded his head against his father's chest.

Kerkkrai pulled away from his son and gestured his fiancé and the boy to come inside.

Achara nudged the teenager beside her before they walked inside.

"You have already seen Achara so I don't think there is any need for an introduction." Kongpob nodded at his father, he gave a polite smile and waied at Achara who smiled back sweetly at him.

"And this is Arthit, Achara's son that I mentioned." Kerkkrai introduced the boy beside Achara.

"Hi, Kongpob! Nice to meet you," Arthit put forward his hand for a handshake as he smiled at Kongpob.

Kongpob just raised his eyebrow and stared at the extended hand. He didn't like the creepy smile of the other boy, it made him feel things that he didn't like. He just glared at the other's face, not particularly showing any emotion.

Arthit bit his lips and gave a puzzled chuckle before he retreated his hand away.

"Well boys, I think you both can be good friends. And Kong, he's transferring to your high school too. So you both will have more time communicating." Kerkkrai patted his son's shoulder.

Kongpob's eyes widened at what his father said. Now he not only has to bear the presence of this annoying boy at his house soon, but he also has to endure it at school too. Wow, just fantastic.

"When are they going to move in?" Kongpob tried to escape the strong gaze Arthit was giving towards him.

Kerkkrai scratched the back of his neck, "Well, today."

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