Missing You

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Kongpob sighed as he stared at himself in front of the mirror.

Kongpob slowly pulled out his mask and his gloves. He washed his hands with soap for a good minute before he dried his hands and put sanitizer on his palms.

Kongpob leaned against the wall of his room. He was still in his doctors' suite, his eyes threatening to close. Kongpob sighed again, he touched his nose which was starting to get dark marks from putting on the respirator mask for hours.

He hasn't slept since new patients started to report at the pandemic section of isolation. The isolation area was already getting overflowed. He knows he isn't the only one who's suffering but all other doctors and nurses too.

But Kongpob doesn't feel it as suffering since it was his duty, his duty to his people and nation. Kongpob is more than happy that he was a part of it.

"Dr Kongpob."

"Yes, coming!" Kongpob called out from the washing room where he was hearing his nurse's voice.

He walked towards his table and smiled at May, his nurse and best friend. He could see how tired she was and he knew that she had been taking care of the new patients for several hours.

"You should get some rest May," Kongpob smiled.

May chuckled, " Then it should be you who should do that. If it wasn't for your smile you would look like a living corpse."

Kongpob chuckled, " The patients are the ones suffering more than us, so it's nothing to be compared."

May nodded her head, giving her friend a smile of assurance.

"I came here to tell you that two patients are ready to leave, they've tested negative," May announced.

A wide smile bloomed on the doctor's face as he heard the news.

"Thank god! I hope that they never get to come here again!" Kongpob exclaimed.

May smiled genuinely at the doctor.

"And Dr Kongpob, you're food will arrive in then minutes," May said with a sly smile.

Kongpob smiled shyly at her as he got up from his seat.

"I'll meet the discharged patients in an hour. They have to be given instructions right?" Kongpob asked to which May nodded her head.

Kongpob nodded before he walked out of his room. He took his mask form his coat and wore it as the smell of hospital medicines and disinfectants hit his nose drills.

He greeted every other doctor and nurse as he passed by them to the backyard of the hospital.

He slides the glass door as he stepped outside.

Kongpob inhaled the fresh air outside. He missed staying outside like this. Being busy and taking care of the patients who tend to increase day by day was making it hard for him to have his own time. He's not complaining but he's also a human right? Is there any wrong for wishing this pandemic would end soon?

Kongpob watched his fellow doctor wiping his tears as he walked towards the glass door with a packet in his hands.

"Ray, you alright?" Kongpob asked even though he knows the answer.

Ray had his mask on, just like him, so he wasn't sure what expression the latter had.

"I just miss them a lot, Kong. I just wish I could hug them and be with them through this," Ray sobbed.

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