English Assignment Writing... again

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Because I can.

  "Hey, at least I don't sleep in Chemistry!"

 "How is it possible to not sleep in Chemistry?"

 "Need me to go full on Chemistry mode?"

  I groaned out loud. "You two, shut it." 

  Sasha and Raven, my very best friends, kept their mouth shut after meeting with my fierce eyes. For a few moments, they believed that I was pissed off, ready to tackle the both of them down the flight of stairs. When their faces were drained from its colours, I could not help but burst out in laughter.

  "I'm sorry," I cried out loud, wiping away the tears of laughter, "did I seriously sound that fierce?"

 "W-well, sor-sorta," Raven stammered, his legs shaking from fear.

 "Don't go peeing yourself, Rav," I laughed.

  "That happened?" Sasha gasped as she turned to Raven. Her fear had long abandoned her space of happiness long ago. 

 "Sh-shut up!" Raven yelled in panic.

  As we continued walking, I turned around and began walking backwards since it is easier for us to talk that way.

 "Yo, Miku, I bet you can walk down the stairs while facing backwards," Sasha challenged.

  I clapped my hands together with a smile. "Bring. It. On." 

  Typical Sasha trying to make me grin, knowing that I have tough moments in school.

  I looked behind briefly before facing back at Sasha and Raven. With a deep breath, I began stepping backwards. In the first few steps, I began laughing hysterically, joyful that I was doing so well. Sasha caught on my contagious laughter. Raven whipped out his old Android phone and started recording the funny but random moment.

  Suddenly, my left foot felt air, and I began tumbling down. 

  "MIKU!" Sasha shouted, reaching out to catch me. However, all she caught was a pile of air.

  My head was about to hit the hard floor when I felt something soft catch my head. I opened my eyes just to see Raven who somehow made it here in the nick of time to put a bag on the floor, exactly where my head would have landed.

  Unfortunately, my knee was not saved. 

  Raven assisted me back up the stairs, holding my arm as I winced softly in pain. My knee suffered from a major abrasion. Blood started pouring out as I continued to walk. He quickly sat me down at a nearby bench and opened up his first aid kit. Sasha quickly followed behind. 

  "I don't get it- how-?" Sasha blurted out.

  Raven bandages my wound with ease as he remained silent. He packs up his belongings before meeting my eyes.

 "Can you stand up yourself?" he asked without any expression.

 "Yeah..." I hesitatingly answered.

  Sasha grips tightly on Raven's arm. From the widened eyes, I could tell that she was fearful but desire the answer to her confusion, which I am still not entirely sure about the situation earlier. Raven turned back and glared at her, a glare which can never be seen on his face. 

  "Y-you te-teleported..." Sasha stuttered. 

  Raven turned to the both of us. "Not a word about this. I hijacked the cameras when I teleported." He looks around, where students began to crowd the hall. "We'll talk after school," he declared before walking off quickly.

  That is one way to unravel a secret our shy friend had been hiding for so long.

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