Random dreams #1

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  The cafeteria was illuminated with white lights attached to the ceiling as I entered. Minority of the police officers choose to have their meal here, since the cafeteria is renowned for its disgusting scent of rotten leftovers. The maids either forgot to take out the trash or were too oblivious to the fact that leftovers do go rotten over the night.

  I made a small wave to the lazy bugs as my hand reaches out for an icy cold mug. It was blistering hot outside, whereas the cafeteria was cold like the Arctic. I made my way to the hot water, where the trash bins were located nearby. The stench was beyond the scent of hell. Fortunately the scent never made its way to my hot water.

  I dashed towards the exit of the station with a hot mug of English Breakfast tea where my colleagues would happily ponder about what adventures will happen today. We had just graduated from our academy last month. Since that day, we had been squealing excitedly and nervously before heading out for our duties into the real world.

  I was partnered up with my old friend Raven last month. He was a senior officer who had graduated from the academy last year. I remember attending his graduation ceremony as he was jumping around excitedly, "ready to embrace whatever the society throws" at him. He grew up British, but moved to Asia when people began criticising him for his Asian looks. His parents were from Asia and met from work in London. They settled there for years until Raven was grown up to be able to move out and live independently.

  This month, my partner would be the ambitious and hardworking Wenston, who strongly believes in justice. He disagrees with the idea of evil, hence he rarely forgives anyone who pranks him on April Fools, and has no one to hang out with in the mornings before duty.


  Silence, something I highly dislike, especially when it's patrol duty. Raven and his new partner sat at the backseat, one at the far left and the other at the middle seat, nowhere near Wenston. Carpooling to a duty point was rather normal for police officers with patrol duty and parking duty. I sat at the front seat, turning my gaze back to the peace outside. Most people would think that being an everyday police officer is tiring and is required to chase someone down every single moment of their lives. However, that is not the case, especially at our quiet little town.

  After dropping off Raven and his partner, the silence remained thick between me and Wenston. We were heading towards a beach for our first patrol together when a wave as colossal as a long-necked Argentinosaurus began to build up. The sky grew dark as lightning began to tear through the clouds. Wenston quickly stops the car, fumbling around with the gear lever before asking me to hold on to something. By instincts, I grabbed on to his arm. He was not so muscular, but it definitely feels like he visits the gym more regularly than Raven. He freezes, staring at me for a moment before we were engulfed by the wave. 

  Our car was roughly tugged into the ocean. Wenston unbuckles his seat belt, assisted me with mine before smashing the window to swim out. I did the same, but my seat belt had entangled my legs. My heart began racing as I tried to scream for help. As a result, I gulped in a large volume of salty, choking ocean water. Wenston swims back down to free my legs. I felt a bruising grip on my left elbow as he swam to safety with me below him. 


  The ocean tasted horrible. The waves in deep sea was suprisingly not rough. Raven wrapped me with a warm towel as he handed me a cup of hot water. He turned to Wenston, who was dressing his abrasions, before nodding his head as a thanks. Raven gave me a warm embrace, despite the awful wet feeling. 

  "You two are better off as partners for this month too," Wenston sighed.

  "You talk?" Raven asked, pulling away.

  Wenston glares at him. I let out a small chuckle.

  "Be careful, I might throw you off this boat," Wenston threatened.

  "Oh? Did I say something wrong?" 

  "Raven!" I snapped. "You don't question everything like that."

  "I was curious!"

  "If you're so curious, throw yourself overboard!"

  Raven's partner sighed. "Couple fight," she commented.

  I snapped my head to her direction. "We. Are. Not. Dating."

  "Gee, chill out!" 

  Raven climbs the port of the boat. I pulled him off. 

  "Not literally!"

  Raven turns to me, confused. "You had asked me to go overboard."

  I groaned out loud. 

˜"*°•.˜"*°• A/N •°*"˜.•°*"˜
Hihi! As you can see I am not dead... sorta. Expect to see more of this kind of story. I had several dreams a few nights ago, and I can't wait to share them all with you!!

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