All good things come to an end

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  Before the war between the East and the West, things in the park people always went to were always peaceful.

  The sun shone brightly, with several clouds blocking its rays to a certain degree so the people could enjoy their run in good lighting. Some wore caps, some wore headbands like ninjas portrayed in television shows, some wore large headphones that bop as they jogged. Some jogged up the hill like it was no easy feat, while others simply went up and down countless times without missing a beat. Some chose to cycle and ring the small bell that often tricked children into thinking that the ice cream man had arrived. Parents often find the encounter amusing.

  However, the bright sky was soon filled with flying missiles and falling planes.

  Debris of shot aircrafts rained from the sky. Exploded bombs brightened the sky with red. Blood spilt on the pathways as children with no parents scream and cry. The park became a warzone; tanks replaced the bicycles. Laughter was replaced with mourning. The bell of the ice cream man was replaced with the blaring alarm of an incoming air attack. A group of brave souls threw caution to the wind and began their protest at the park without any safety gear.

  It is unfortunate how things can change with the snap of a finger. Peace is overridden by greed. Greed results in resentment. Resentment results in destruction.

Inspired by Spy x Family haha

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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