Chapter 10: On the Right Track, Right?

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Chapter 10: On the Right Track, Right?

After that night, Brian texted me to go with him, Katy and Jack for lunch on Saturday, he confessed he couldn’t stop thinking about me. I was hooked.  The following weekend I went to visit him in Portland, after giving him some major hints he finally kissed me under the stars while walking to his temporary living “hotel.”  It was absolutely perfect.  I was on cloud nine, after years of dealing with gross little boys, I finally found a man.

Last weekend, it was my 23rd Birthday, usually I felt depressed about getting older but this year was different, I felt like my life was finally on the right track.

I spent most of the week telling anyone who would listen about my birthday date that Brian gave me.  We went to a fancy restaurant in Portland, but that wasn’t the best part, he rented a limo to drive me from my house here to Portland, it was a like fairytale. 

Today was Friday and I just wanted the day to be over because I was driving to spend the night with Brian because we were going to look for houses tomorrow, no I wasn't moving there.  He was looking for a house for himself and wanted my opinion.

So, after I left the CPA firm, I stopped at Panera to get some lunch then headed to my second job working at the auto body shop.  I did really enjoy working with Larry, he was the best boss.  Some of the guys were a bit sexist but once I got used to them it was fine, I laughed it off as a joke but they were all really nice.

When I got to the shop, I didn’t expect to see a tanned looking Grant sitting in my receptionist chair.

I didn’t say anything at first I was so shocked.

“Ah glad you’re here Red, this is so boring, I don’t know how you do this,” he said to me completely ignoring the fact that the last time I saw him, he was kissing me and that was four months ago.

“Well it’s my job, can’t expect you to understand something like that, came back to leech off your nice step-dad,” I retorted to him resuming my attitude I had with him when I first met him.

“Not a leech, work, you know I think I might inherit this shop someday, better learn the trade,” he replied.

“Doubt it,” I said.  Like Larry was going to give his shop to this idiot.

“Whatever so what you been up to while I was gone, not missing me too much,” he decided to turn on the charm.

“Hardly,” I said, playing his game shaking my head at him.

“I understand, that’s why you got a job at the place where I used to work and now currently work.” He said obviously feeding his ego.

“That’s using work very, very lightly, anyway Larry asked me so I said yes. It had nothing to do with your big head.”

“Okay you can think that,” he winked at me and went back into the shop.

I rolled my eyes thinking about Grant, but I didn’t give it too much thought. Most likely he’ll be here a couple weeks and then he'll be on to life’s next great adventure that involved something illegal, no doubt.

I watched the clock the rest of the afternoon, until it was five minutes to 6pm and I collected my things, and waited for Larry to come close up.

Though Grant came first, “So where we going tonight?”  He sure didn’t give up.

“Nowhere, I’m going to Portland to spend the weekend with my boyfriend since we are looking at houses tomorrow.” I put him in his place.

“You’re moving?” he questioned in a non-joking tone, he seemed a big confused.

“No, he’s moving and I’m helping him pick a house out since girls have better taste than guys.” I said as a matter of fact.

“Oh that’s good, you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend” he seemed a bit down.  Not sure why I thought, hitting on me was a big joke.

“Sorry I didn’t mention it when you were talking to me for a minute after not seeing you for four months,” I said a bit hurt about not seeing him for four months and then not ascertaining anything that happened between us.

He must have felt something because he came and sat on my desk and looked at me, why I felt attracted to him, I had no clue, must have been what happened before.

“My friend called me in April a couple days after I met you and said there was a job open back at the vineyard, so I took it. I didn’t want to impose on Larry and my mom any more than I was, he was sick after all. You never gave me your number or I would have called, anyway that doesn’t matter, they didn’t need me anymore, so I came back, rather be with her than with my dad, at least my mom cares about me.” He explained, talking to me in a strange caring voice.

“Oh, it’s okay, so how was California?”

“Oh it was good, I like it there, relaxed better than here anyway, but old Larry is nice.”  Just as he said that, Larry walked in to close up.

“Is Grant bothering you Ruby? Already here a day and already bothering poor Ruby.” He said to us.

“No, but I think I’ll stick around it’s about time you hired a hot receptionist, it’s too bad she taken.” Grant said then left after giving me a wink and a playful grin.

“Ruby, you best stay away from him.” Larry said to me, like I needed to be told.

I laughed and said, “Don’t worry about me.” But I couldn’t help think if I already didn’t have the perfect boyfriend.  I wouldn’t mind a piece of Grant, he wasn’t that bad and he could kiss.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and headed home.

“Ruby, you got mail.” my mom said and handed me a hand written letter.

I opened it, wondering what it could be.  It was Tyler’s wedding invitation. I knew Quinn told me about it, but I forgot until now.  The wedding was in November in Arizona. I thought about what that entailed, me going to Arizona and then I saw the box check here for with or without guest.  Would Brian want to come?  Was it too soon to ask him to come with me to an out of state wedding?

I looked at the reply by date; luckily I still had another month to decide. You know who will deal with his problem, future Ruby.

After I told my mom about the invitation, I got my bags that I had already packed and headed to Portland.

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