Chapter 8: The singles table

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Chapter 8: The singles table

Pictures were right after the ceremony, they had a photographer but Mai wanted to get some pictures at the same time, so I went to watch the picture taking.  It was outside, luckily the weather turned out nice for them. 

Once Calie and Quinn were done taking pictures we took a couple of all of us and then we went to a small café at the gardens they were taking pictures.  Brandon and Derek were watching some baseball game so it was just the four of us.

“So do you know the seating?” I asked Quinn, hoping I wasn’t going to be sitting next to some loser all night.

Quinn quickly looked at Calie who smiled, then she said, “Calie helped with the seating, ask her.”

Calie just looked a bit guilty at the moment, so I asked, “Did you put me with Kyle?”

“No, oh my gosh that would horrible,” Calie said back.

“I mean it wouldn’t be the worst thing, oh my gosh did you see Hailey she looked way too slutty for a wedding, I hope Katy bitches her out.” I said.

“She’s not going to bitch her out,” Quinn said.

“You know Katy is too nice to do that, but yeah I want to know where I am sitting too.” Mai said.

“Oh yeah well, Katy asked me for help with the seating, and I couldn’t say no because I’m a bridesmaid and I hardly did anything, well there were so many people who couldn’t be sat with each other it was a nightmare,” Calie started.  For my wedding I’m not going to care where people are sitting, it’s my day not theirs, they can live.

“Okay I don’t care which family members hates each other I just want to make sure I’m not at the loser table,” I said.

“No table is a loser table, but yeah we kind of got desperate throwing people together, but you and Mai are at the same table at least, actually I think it worked out well, I mean you might meet someone you like,” Calie said and winked at me.  Calie liked to play matchmaker a bit in high school.

“Okay you can’t say that, you need to tell me exactly who is at the table by which I mean the males at my table,” I said back to her.

“Okay I should probably give you guys the dirt, this is fun, anyway, but it worked out well because we had four single girls and four single guys, the single girls you and Mai obviously, then two girls from Katy’s sorority,” Calie said.  Ugh, I hope Jeff isn’t at my table, I thought.

But then I interrupted, “oh who, I didn’t like most of them, sorry go on to the guys.”

“Yeah well, four guys, and based on the descriptions Katy gave me I kind of already paired you guys up in my head  there’s Matt from our class, he’s for Stephanie though, then Parker he’s for Carly, Katy said apparently they had this flirty thing in college oh anyway there’s Shane for you” Calie said.

“Oh Shane, he sounds hot what’s he like,” I asked, I really wanted to hear more about him, if Calie thinks I’d like him he must be good.  Calie understands guys pretty well and she was good at matchmaking.

“Oh he went to college with you guys, Katy said you never met him, he works in financial services now, so he has a good job, check, he hasn’t been in a long term relationship in of a couple years, meaning he is super unattached check, he’s cute, Katy showed me a picture, and well I looked him up on Facebook and I approve,” Calie said.

It worried me I never heard of this guy but I said, “Hope he is as good in person as paper, so who is the other guy?”

“Oh yeah the guy for Mai, well kind of it’s not a set up or anything you guys just have a lot in common and he’s probably going to feel a little intimated at your guys’ table, he’s Katy’s cousin Brian he’s a couple years older than us, he went to Stanford, Katy said he’s really smart, he works in IT, Katy said he just got a job in Portland, and she feels bad because he doesn’t know anyone there, oh but anyway he’s a bit more reserved, oh and she feels bad because there wasn’t room at her family table, so we had put him with you guys, but hopefully you guys will get along good,” Calie said the last part directed at Mai.

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