Chapter 1: Too Young

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Chapter 1: Too Young

You have been cordially invited to the wedding ceremony of

Jack Stoner


Katy Meiser

On Saturday June 11th, 2017

Ugh, I’ve been dreading this day.  One of my high school friends is getting married.

And me, I don’t even have a boyfriend.  I haven’t had a long term boyfriend since my senior year of high school.

That would be ok if it weren’t for the fact that the rest of the life isn’t exactly a fairytale.  

I’ve been in a dead end job for almost a year.  

I live with my parents.  

And my younger sister, who just turned twenty-one, is engaged.

I know, I sound like every girl who is single but it still sucks.  All my friends from high school are either in happy long term relationships, on their way to marriage or super happy with their career. I’ve always felt overshadowed by them.

There’s Katy who’s invitation I just got, we aren’t that close anymore unfortunately.  I mean we went to the same college but she was always hanging out with Jack and his friends.  Also, she joined a sorority which I didn’t get into.  Her and Jack have been best friends forever. It’s a really cute story.  Yeah, puke in a bucket cute.

Then there’s Calie, who joined our little group in senior year.  She is insanely happy with Derek, who's also from our high school class.  They live in California; where Derek is pretty big in the film industry already.  I’m surprised they aren’t engaged yet.

There’s Mai who, last time I talked to, didn’t have a boyfriend but she’s a chemist for a big company working in San Francisco. She’s always telling me the name of the company she works for but I keep forgetting.

Then there’s my best friend, Quinn.  She went to college in Arizona, met a guy there, now he’s an NFL football player. Like seriously hello fairytale world, she is so lucky.  I’m really happy for her.  Her boyfriend Brandon is great.  He’s really good at whatever position he plays, I can never tell what position that is.

Oh, my sister Jenny. I don’t like her much, she’s a bit annoying but she met a guy during her freshman year of college then they got engaged at New Year’s Eve, last year.  She still has one more year left of college too. Her fiancé, Kevin is a bit of a tool in my opinion but my parents love him for some reason.

I’m not even a bridesmaid at Katy’s wedding, Quinn and Calie are though. Hopefully the dresses are ugly so I can be happy about one thing.  Okay, that was mean.

“Hello?” I answered my phone as I noticed it was ringing.

“Hey Ruby, did you get it?” Quinn asked, referring to the wedding invitation in my hand.

“Oh yeah, it’s nice.” I said, trying to be nice even though I didn’t care that much.

“I know, a June wedding that’s so pretty! I can’t wait to get up there and do my dress fitting, did you see the picture Katy sent of her dress? It’s gorgeous, I’m so jealous” Quinn rambled.  I don’t know why she was so excited for a June wedding, she knew the day already.

“Oh, when are you coming up?” I asked her.  I really needed some BFF time.

“The weekend after next.”  She answered.

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