Chapter 5: Memories and Rants

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Chapter 5: Memories and Rants

“Ruby, open the door, I know you’re in there I saw you leave the party,” Kyle knocked on my door.

“You’re drunk,” I said to Kyle as I opened the door.

“I know, and you looked good tonight,” Kyle said putting his arms around me.  I knew it was wrong but I’ve been waiting for this moment for three years.

“Really?” I questioned him.

“Damn sexy, you should come to more parties,” Kyle said drunkenly.

“I’m not the parting type,” I said, I only went to this party because it was the week before finals and everyone was going before they hit the books next week.

“Is your roommate home?” Kyle asked me.

“No, she’s away for the weekend,” I said to Kyle.

“Good,” Kyle said then kissed me.

Then next morning I noticed Kyle leaving but I pretended to asleep I didn’t want to hear him telling me it was mistake.

Two weeks later, he came to my parents’ house when we were both home for the summer.

“Ruby, that night I was drunk, I got caught up in the party atmosphere. I’m really sorry I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that,” Kyle said as he stood on my front porch without coming in.

I could tell he felt bad so I said, “It’s fine, you didn’t take advantage of me, it’s been a while for me, maybe we could be friends with benefits like everyone does it and we are really good together.”

“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea, I’m really sorry Ruby. Well, see you around this summer,” He said and left. 

Then I avoided him all summer.

This is what I thought when I woke up in my bed this morning, no I didn’t go home with Grant, I’m not that type.

After Grant kissed me, he got a phone call and drove away which was fine by me. Yes the kiss was good but he’s not my type.  He’s too young, too all over the place.  My dream guy has a job, maybe a couple years older, career driven. He needs to be smart, not 'someone who barely graduated high school' smart.

So, since I didn’t want to bother Quinn yesterday when I got home, I decided to ring her now. I listened as the phone rang then went to voicemail.

I left a quick message for her to call me and that it is important. I thought about where Quinn was, probably out to brunch with Brandon, sounded romantic.  I’m so jealous of her relationship.

So, I decided to try another friend, I rung Calie, she answered after one ring.

“Hey Ruby, how you been?” Calie answered.

“Oh dateless” I said making a joke.

“Aww sorry, no Nicki set ups?” Calie asked me mostly likely because a lot of our emails back and forth were about a bad date Nicki set me up on.

“Oh no, I think she’s been saving them for herself since busy season is over”

“Oh sorry” She said.

“Well actually I’m glad you answered because who knows where Quinn is out to brunch with her super-hot NFL boyfriend, actually she is probably getting engaged, oh my gosh would you be jealous if Quinn got engaged before you? You and Derek have been dating for five years, I mean it’s Derek but still.” I started on a bit of a rant.

“No I’d be happy for her,” Calie replied, “But seriously what is up, you seem to be a bit tense or something.”  Calie is one of the chilliest people I know, probably why she can put up with Derek.

“Oh yeah, so something did happen yesterday with a boy,” I said to Calie and when I said boy I actually meant boy because Grant is just nineteen.

“Oh do tell; the only drama in my life is the drama in movies.” I think Derek sometimes thinks he is in a movie, poor Calie.

So then I told her all about my meeting with Grant.  After I was done, which probably took an hour as I went into great detail, I asked, “So what do you think?”

“I think he’s trouble and you should not worry about him, plus you said he wasn’t your type like ten times during your explanation so, I think you have your answer” she stated.

“I know, I guess I’m looking into it too much since it’s been a while since a guy kissed me and I actually liked it.” Why can’t he be twenty-five with a job?

“Maybe, but you never know,” she replied coyly.

“So what’s up with you, how’s Derek?” I asked politely.

“Oh well he’s fine I guess.”

“Trouble in paradise?”  I asked, noticing how she sounded a bit off.

“Well it’s not a big deal, I mean you’re going to think it’s a big deal but you know it’s Derek, I can’t think he’s doing something to be mean on purpose or something but he told me the other day that Jeff is going to come live with us after he graduates, I guess he wants to live here and Derek is going to find him a job on a movie set and I’m sure it’s not going to be too long, I doubt Jeff is going to want to live with a couple.” Calie explained.

“Are you serious, what is wrong with Derek, I would have told him no, you told him no right?”

“No I can’t tell him no, it will be fine”

“When’s he moving in?”

“Not till after the wedding, he’s going to spend some time with his family then move in with us.”

“Sorry. Would me visiting you make it any better?” I asked her remembering she invited me down after the busy season was over.

“Yes” she replied happily.

“And don’t tell Derek I’m stopping by, that will show him.” I half joked.

“Yeah, I doubt he will notice though.”

“Alright, I’ll let you know when, I need to request off work” I said getting super excited at the chance to visit California.  When I was younger I went to Disneyland but I was like ten, so it’s been a while.  Oh in high school I went to northern California but it was because my parents wanted to go to San Francisco, we didn’t even go to the beach.

“Anytime you want to come is fine with me, I got vacation at work that I can take anytime I want” she told me.

“Must be nice, oh yeah I forgot my hours at work got cut, so getting unpaid vacation should be easy, oh and I can play the sympathy card with my parents, Jenny is getting like a ten thousand dollar wedding out of them, they can give me five-hundred dollar trip to California” I then said my bye to Calie and started looking for my swim suit in my closet.

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