Chapter 4: Heart-a-Grant

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Chapter 4: Heart-a-Grant

The next month flew by, soon it was after tax season and I found myself bored.  

It was Friday morning, about 10am and Larry still hadn’t show up yet.  I was starting to get concerned.  He always came before 9am.  I even went and asked Mary if she knew anything about his whereabouts because I knew they went to the same church, but she slammed the door in my face when I asked.

Then a young man, who looked extremely out of place at a CPA firm where everyone was dressed in suits and their best business attire, came in through the door. He was wearing ripped up jeans and shirt with a couple of tears in it.

“Hey, Larry said I had to drop these off.” He said and dropped a bag on my desk.  I noticed he had quite a bit of stubble and messy hair.

“Where’s Larry?” I asked him concerned for my friend’s wellbeing.

“What’s it to you?” he said back with an undertone of displease.

“He’s my friend.” I said back defensively.

“Really, well if he is your friend then he’s in the hospital, little heart attack but he’s fine” he said casually.

I immediately freaked out, “Oh my gosh! Are you serious, what happened?”

He shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t know, these things happen. He’s pushing 60 you know.”

“Things like that don’t just happen,” I told him. I hope Larry wasn't in too much of pain, I should probably go and visit him sometime.

“Ok,” he said.

“So, who are you?” I asked him. I figured he must work at Larry’s auto body shop from the look of him.

“Grant,” he said.

“No, I mean do you work at the shop or something,” I asked him.

“Oh yeah I guess, I kind of work there.” He said, shrugging once again.

“You 'kind of work there'?”  I asked, kind of mocking him.

“Yeah, I just started last week I don’t think I’ll stick around though,” he said as he played with the business cards on my desk.

“Why not?” I was curious now.

“You ask too many questions.” He said, shooting a look at me.

“Sorry, never mind thanks for the bagels, tell Larry I said to feel better,” then as an afterthought I said,” I should get him a card, do you know where I can send it?”

“No clue but I’m going there after work so if you want to drop it off at the shop, I can give it to him”

“Why do you get to visit him?”

“I’m sort of his stepson.”

My eyes opened wide at this statement, Larry had told me about his delinquent stepson, who barely graduated high school then took off right after he graduated to travel across the country.  Though, I never believed him because his wife was so sweet, I didn’t think she could have a child like that.

“Heard about me then,” he raised his eyebrows and ruffled his hair.

“Larry might have mentioned you,” I said coyly.

“Ah,” he seemed to be considering this, “Well I better go, stop by before five if you can.” He nodded, then he left before I could say bye.

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