Chapter 2: Bridezilla

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Chapter 2: Bridezilla

Just what I wanted to be doing on my weekend!  Dress shopping with the 'Bridezilla'. I was currently at the boutique with my sister, her friend Tina and my mom.   

My sister seriously tried on every dress in the store, well except the ones she called ‘hideous’. By 4pm Jenny was up to her 21st dress.

“That one is gorgeous Jenny,” my mom told her as she came out in gown number 21, this one was strapless just like the other twenty.

“I don't like this detail on the waist,” Jenny whined with that disgusted look on her face.  I felt really bad for the sales girl but she still had a smile on her face.

“What do you think Ruby?” my mom asked me, like all the others.

And I replied, “it’s nice” just like I said for all the other ones.  Normally, I love shopping.  But when it comes to other people, especially searching for wedding dresses with a hard to please sister, I get impatient.

Luckily, my phone rang at that moment, effectively saving me from saying anything more.

“Didn’t you turn your phone off?” Jenny asked me with a prissy voice as if she was a princess.

“No, it’s Quinn, I better get it,” I said happily accepting the call to get away from this wedding dress nightmare.

“Okay we will wait for you,” my mom said. You really don't have to, I thought.

I answered the phone as I left the store; it’s not raining thankfully, only a little chilly.

“Quinn thank you, you seriously saved me! I’ve watched Jenny try on like fifty wedding dresses and we’ve been here for four hours, I’m going to die.” I said before Quinn had a chance to say anything.

“Wow that sounds bad, I guess that is why you didn’t call me.” Quinn replied.

“Oh, was I supposed to call you? I’m so sorry.” I apologized.

“It’s cool, so nothing interesting this weekend besides wedding dress shopping?” She asked me.

“Yeah probably me and a movie tonight, my Saturday’s are so lame.” I replied.

“Brandon is going out with just the guys tonight, so my cousin and I are going to do a girl’s night. She just got dumped.”

“Oh sorry,” Though I thought at least someone knows how I feel. Although, I don’t know what it feels like to have a boyfriend.

“I didn’t like him much anyway, but she did.”

“So when are you getting in next weekend?” I asked her.

“Oh, I got Friday off so I’m flying early on Friday. I get in at noon, Brandon’s coming too, he said he can find a gym here to train maybe he can go to Derek’s; he’s got a nice gym at his parent’s house, I should ask Calie about that,” Quinn informed me.

“Ugh, I wish I could take a half day and we could go shopping or something. Oh my mom wants to do lunch or something, she likes you better than her own daughters, well at least better than me.”

“Oh, that'd be fun.”

“Actually probably dinner Saturday, you can just come over, I think Calie wanted to do lunch on Saturday,” I said as I remembered Calie had said something about doing lunch together, over email.

“Sounds good, oh that feels really good” Quinn exclaimed.

“Uh,” I said, confused if she was talking to me.

“Oh, sorry that was Brandon he is giving me a massage” Quinn chuckled.

“Are you serious? I officially hate you now, not only do you have a super-hot and super rich boyfriend but he gives you massages.” I said, thinking why does my life suck?

“Sorry, he wanted to try out a new muscle relaxer or something, yeah well I should go, talk to you sometime this week.” She said right before she hung up.  

I seriously stood there for like ten minutes, half because I was so jealous of Quinn, I know I should be happy for her and she is my best friend but seriously come on! And half because I didn’t want to see any more wedding dresses.   

We finally got out of the boutique at six pm.  I think it was because they were closing, thankfully.

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