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Taeyong turned off the engine and took off his helmet. Man parked motorcycle in front of their Seongbuk-gu dorm and walked inside the building.

At his appearance, one of the supervisors widened his eyes in surprise and maybe a little bit of fear ''M- M- Mr. Lee? You're h- here?''

Taeyong spared a glance at man and replied with annoyance clearly heard in his voice ''Do I look like a ghost to you? Yes – I am here.''

''B- b- but what's the reason of that unexpected visit?''

''I like sometimes going around and making all of you shit your pants at my sight.'' Taeyong replied and smirked mischievously. He saw that the supervisor in fact wasn't far away from what he just said. Taeyong rolled his eyes ''I came here to check our recruits.''

''Of c- course. This way...'' man replied. He bowed and led Taeyong to the training gym. In the meantime, he called for some boy and ordered him trying to hide the fear in his tone ''Gather everyone. At once!''

Taeyong walked into the room and saw not so many people. Few men were practising shooting while others had little sparring fights between themselves. Taeyong also saw the boy from previous night.

Of course he didn't pick that specific dorm without a reason.

''Everyone! In two lines! Now!'' supervisor yelled and all present recruits did as they were told.

Soon later, others arrived and by seeing their tired faces most of them were doing nothing else but sleeping...


Taeyong clicked his tongue in annoyance. He brushed back hair and scanned all recruits. There were people of all sort: tall, short, skinny, chubby, mostly men but also few women. Some of them looked old and some young. Some of them joined the gang willingly – others were paying off someone else's depts. And most of them actually had potential to be useful to Neugdae.

But they just had shitty supervisors...

''Who's your best shooter?'' Taeyong asked

Leader of the dorm looked up a bit confused. But before he asked Taeyong to repeat the question and only annoy said man even more, he quickly scanned his men ''That one.'' He replied pointing at someone in the crowd.

Taeyong followed his finger and spotted man ''You.'' As he said the crowd parted revealing scared man – maybe in his 30'. ''Get a gun. You have three shots.'' Taeyong commanded.

Recruit quickly ran towards the weapon locker and took out one of them. He checked if it was loaded and stood in the shooting area. Man exhaled deeply and gave out three shots as he was told to. After he was done, Taeyong told him to put down the weapon and checked the result himself.

''Go back to your line.''

''Y- yes sir.''

Taeyong looked resigned already. And all of them could see that. ''Who thinks that can get a better score than him?'' he asked.


Taeyong scanned looked at recruits and pointed at one ''You. Why you're not speaking up?''

Scared man looked around to make sure that Mr. Lee was really addressing him. After getting looks from his fellow recruits, with lowered head man spoke up ''I'm n- not a shooter. I'm trained to be a runner... I- I'm supposed to deliver messages...''


Everyone's heads shot up. They looked at Taeyong and saw that man wasn't very pleased.

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