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I just know that I'm gonna hate them.

They were greeted by blond haired guy, smiling widely at them.

"G'day everyone!"

He was sitting behind big wooden desk with two monitors on top. All furniture in the round room kept in dark shades of brown – probably made of mahogany or walnut wood. Two big windows were allowing sunlight to get inside. One was behind the man and another on the right side of the area where two armchairs with little coffee table between were also located. On top of that was a wooden chessboard with all pieces neatly organized.

Was he watching the same mafia movies as Jae? It seems that all mob leaders arrange their offices like that.

Besides the Neugdae representation and the leader of another gang, there were only two more people in room.

One stood on his boss left side - remained still entire time with hands behind his back. He had a snake tattooed, which head was ending under his jaw and tail going down onto muscular arm. Black hair were slightly covering his eyes.

He would get along with twins, could even go as their sibling.

On other side a man leaned against the wall, busy gazing at them all while playing with a lollipop. Despite high temperature, he put a navy jumper on top of white shirt. Bright red hair was styled up, revealing his forehead.

Taeyong looked at one chair situated in front of the desk. Host saw his stare and chuckled.

"Oh, sorry for that. I wasn't expecting so many guests."

Of course you didn't. You only kept watching our every move since we set our feet in this country.

"Don't worry about that. My friends won't mind standing for some time."

Jaehyun sat on the chair and crossed his legs. He adjusted his suit and turned his head at the man. Tae couldn't believe that they were same age – Jae looked so serious and maybe even a little intimidating while the other seemed more... well childish.

"How are you going? I hope you had a comfortable travel."

"Of course, your man took care of it."

"Great! Now... Welcome in our lovely Australia – country of surfers and kangaroos. Place where one wrong step and thousands of poisonous animals can kill you. My name is Bang Chan and I'm the leader of Taipan gang."

"Jung Jaehyun, leader of Neugdae gang."

"Wolf? Wow, so cool."

Better than a fucking snake.

"Also this charming guy right here is my bodyguard Changbin." Chan stated pointing at the statue-like guy on left. "And this one right there-"

"My name is Felix." redhead pushed away from the wall and walked closer to their group "And I'm very curious what is your name sunshine?" he asked with a mischievous smirk leaning closer to V.

Someone who could kick your ass in 27 seconds.

Girl didn't react but Taeyong saw how Jeno tensed instead. So as Felix saw.

"Relax man. I'm not stealing your girl... For now at least." he ended, winked and went back to his place.

Jaehyun eyed him and smiled nicely. "As we are with introductions. These are my bodyguards - Taeyong and Johnny. Next is Jeno and V, his sister."

"Sister! Holy shit! Well, then I don't need to worry about him trying to kill me for stealing his girl."

No, you should be terrified of him killing you for looking at her like that, you asshole.

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