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"You better get that shit done!"

Jaehyun hung up and forcefully put down telephone receiver almost smashing it. The loud bang made both Taeyong and Doyoung jump in their seats. They were visiting Australians in three days and had everything already planned but that wasn't enough for Neugdae's leader. Mr. Jung called them in saying that they needed plan B and C... and a few more options if anything would go wrong.

Usually, Taeyong would agree with him but their main plan was already very detailed and all the what ifs were included. All members were ordered to came up with ideas for EVERY SINGLE STEP. Haechan did all the research he could – hacked all computer system he possibly could. Johnny and Mark were asking their friends if they knew anything about anything connected to Australians. Everyone was doing their best to make sure that the trip would go smoothly and the deal could be sealed.

But for Mr. Jung that was still not enough.

Taeyong though that when few days ago he apologized for his behavior, Jaehyun would change. That he could see that he was not alone and his members were there for him whenever he needed.

But no. Jaehyun became even more obsessed about Australians and Black Rose. He stopped leaving the house. He was staying whole day locked in his office. That morning he even said that only Taeyong and Doyoung were allowed to enter. No Taeil, no Jaemin or Yuta. Not even Johnny – he's best friend! DoTae were handing over all reports and if something wasn't connected to Black Rose's case then – as Jaehyun said – they were supposed to deal with it on their own.

Earlier the atmosphere was bad – but now... Honestly, Taeyong just wanted to run away from that bloody office as fast as he could.

"Who was it, sir?" Doyoung asked. Normally, when there were only the three of them, he could address Jaehyun by his name. But recent events and those few days showed that something like "friendship" was no longer existing for leader.

"I've called one of the plane companies to get me a private jet ready in Sydney but those motherfuckers refused!" man growl annoyed and leaned back in his seat.

Taeyong furrowed eyebrows "But I thought that we agreed to take the plane that Australians are providing."

Jaehyun looked at him with anger and annoyance in his eyes "I won't get on that fucking plane without assurance that if anything goes wrong, I will have a way out." He said and Tae felt as if he was shrinking under that gaze.

Doyoung cleared his throat and started "Maybe I could do something about it? What were your demands regarding that plane, sir? Any special equipment? Or a specific model?"

"I want Beechjet Hawker 400XPR with all the upgrades: infrared vision, secure satellite communication and telephone. Also a well equipped weapon cabinet." Mr. Jung replied. Doyoung slowly nodded, probably already searching for a way to solve that problem.

Jaehyun rubbed his temples, looked outside the window and let out a deep breath "Fuck. I have too little time but I can't change the date of that meeting anymore." He turned around and was surprised that Taeyong and Doyoung were still there "What are you doing?" he asked annoyed "You're dismissed!"

"Yes, sir!" both of them replied. Men stood up, bowed deeply and quickly left the office.

They were walking down the hallway in an uncomfortable silence. Taeyong started wondering if he missed something important that could indicate Jaehyun's present behavior but no. He did what he could – they all did what they could to help their leader but somehow it still wasn't enough.

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