Watching Her with him

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You'd always known that you loved Hermione as more than a friend but you couldn't say anything as she was your best friend, you were apart of the golden quintet, and if you confessed to her about your feelings it would create a division in the group, especially if she didn't feel the same. But she did and you were clueless, you'd had to watch her and Ron together; holding hands, or light kisses. You could've sworn when they kissed her face shone a sign of disgust,  but you dismissed it. She could never feel the same.

Little did you know that she did despise kissing Ron and she didn't enjoy it one bit, it was just a cover, she loved you and her reasons for not confessing were the same as yours 'great minds think alike'. But when she saw that it didn't create a divide in the group with Ron, it made her realise that she desperately wanted, no needed to tell you how she felt. Being a Gryffindor you would've thought she could've told you in person but instead she wrote a letter to you

The letter:

-Dear y/n,

I've noticed how distant you are with me and just me and i need to tell you something. I love you, i always have but i was too scared that you would think little of me, i was scared of rejection, and i was scared of creating a divide in our group. I'm sorry. As for Ron, i don't like him like that, in all honesty he was just a cover up so i could try and contain my feelings for you. But i can't anymore, all i ask is that if you feel the same you'll come up to my dorm and talk to me, and we'll figure something out, if not just burn this letter and please can we still  be friends?

love mione.-

End of letter

When you got the letter the first thing you did was run from the library, one of your favorite places to be, where you made your best memories,  all of course with her, and to her dorm. You didn't even knock, so when you ran into her room, picked her up and kissed her on the lips, she was shocked at first but melted into the kiss. It felt right, it felt better then any other kiss she'd had with Ron and she didn't want it to end. When it did end she pulled you into a tight hug and whispered.

"You came"

"Of course I did, the love of my life was waiting for me" you whispered back.

She pulled you onto her bed and you both just sat there  for what like forever, with her head in the crook of you neck while you held her.

"what about ron, mione?"

"i already broke up with him, because i never loved him, i loved you."

Hermione x femme readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora