Gay Valentines

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It was valentines day and you were on your way to the library, where you knew this girl called Hermione Granger would be. You were friends but only ever talked in class, never outside, unless you bumped into each other. You were a Gryffindor as was she, you would both sit by each other in the common room if you were studying but that was it, no conversations just silence, with sneaky glances at each other.

To say you were nervous was an understatement, you'd only ever asked one person out before and got rejected. He was this boy called Theadore Nott, you'd seen him around and were drawn to him. Yet when you asked him out he laughed at you and called you a blood traitor.

Before you knew it you were at the library, you entered slowly as if waiting for a reason to turn around go back to your dormitory. 'Come on y/n, whats the worst that could happen? Rejection. that's what could happen.' You thought to yourself.

You made your way over to the table that you knew she would be at.

"Hey Hermione."
You whispered while also giving a small wave, giving her a small shock

"Oh hi y/n. Sit down before Madam Pince comes over and tell you to leave."
She told you

You sat down whilst trying not to disturb the other students in the library.

"So i don't want to sound rude but can i ask why your here?"
You looked down at your shoes, suddenly finding them interesting. She noticed
"Not that its a bad thing, its a good thing actually!"

This lifted your mood.
"Well i actually wanted to ask you something." 'come on y/n' you thought to yourself.

She looked up at you from her parchment and stored in her bag so she could listen to you.

"Well since i'm a Half-blood, and my mums a muggle, I asked her about the muggle world."
You notice her eyes light up when you mentioned the muggle world.

she asked you

"well yeah, since my dad died i've always wanted to explore the way the muggle world works."
It was true, your dad was a pure-blood and was always very restricting in keeping you away from the muggle world. Even though his wife was a muggle.

"Oh i didn't know that your dad died, I'm sorry."
She replied quietly

"its fine. Well anyway she told me about all the holidays and things that muggles and muggleborns celebrate, and well there was one called Valentines day it happens on the 14th of Febuary. And well-"

"You want me to help you ask someone to be your valentine."
she cut you off. You looked up at her from your shoes and you could've sworn you saw a slight bit of sadness in her eyes.

"Well not really. I was, well i was hoping maybe that you would wanna be my valentine? I don't even know if you like girls or not but i mean if you don't than its absolutely fine. It was rude of me to even assume-"

"i was hoping that you would say that."
she stopped you from rambling.
"Obviously i'll be your valentine, i would be blind to say no."
she continued while blushing slightly. Cute you thought to yourself again

"Really? I always thought that you liked Robert Weasley, he likes you by the way."
You told her shyly.

"Well. its a good thing i've already got a valentine then isn't it?"
She asked you

"Yeah definitely. I also got you these."
You handed her a red box of chocolates.
"I heard that muggles give chocolates and also roses to their valentines."
You told her as you then gave her a small singular rose.

She smiled at you gratefully, she hesitated before kissing you lightly on your cheek.

You muttered
"I've never been kissed before."
You said as you blushed extremely hard.

"Thank you."
she whispered to you
"Do you want to stay and study with me? I'm almost done, and then we can go back to the common room and talk about tomorrow?"
She asked you.

"Yeah. I've got a history of magic essay to do."

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