Past present and future

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There's no war, and voldy stayed dead when Harry defeated him as a baby.

Start of 1st year
Harry and me were on our nightly walks under his invisibility cloak, he got the cloak whilst I got, well I didn't get anything. We were supposed to share the cloak but I had no interest in it, or use for it yet.

'What's that'
Harry voice drew me out of my thoughts

'What's what?'
I couldn't tell where he was looking at as he was in front of me but when I was able to see it, it was a giant mirror with runes chiselled on the frame.

'Y/n, do reckon we can go and have a look?'
He looked at me with a glimmer of hope in his eyes

'Only if as soon as we've had a look we go back, because I'm really tired.'

We made our way into the room and the minute he looked in the mirror his jaw dropped he shouted for me to come and see but I didn't see anything.

'What am I supposed to be looking at?'

'Can you not see them?' He asked me

'See who?'
Is he mental, I can't see anything beside he's in the way!

'Mum and dad, their right there, standing behind me but their not actually there.'

'No I can't see them, can you move out the way please, maybe it's because your using the mirror?'

'Yeah okay.'
I moved into the centre of the mirror and I didn't see our mum and dad, I saw Hermione but she was older and she had a ring on her left hand, I was standing next to her and was also wearing a ring on my left hand. Our reflections were smiling back at me.

7th year

That was the night that I realised that I felt more for the girl that I'd only just become friends with, but over the course of 7 years we'd gotten as close as you could imagine.

We were walking down the same hallway were the mirror was, and the memory flashed before my eye and couldn't help but bring Hermione with me this time, I had to see if she saw the same.

'Hey hermione, do you mind if I take you somewhere?'
I asked her, she looked at me confused but nodded.
I took her hand and led her to room and sure enough the mirror was there.

'Go and look in the mirror, and tell me what you see.'
She did

'So what do you see?'
I asked her hopefully

'I see you and me. Why?'
And then she realised that I wasn't standing next to her.

'Why can I see you if your not next me?'

'Have you heard of the mirror of erised?'
Of course after my encounter with the mirror, I just had to do some research.

'Yes, of course I've heard of it, it shows you what you desire the most. But I don't see why your there.'
She told me

'Do you know what I see when I look in it?'


'Do you want to?'
I asked her


'I see you as well, look closely at your left hand and then mine.'
I walked up next to her and held her hand, which she didn't reject.

'Is that a-'

'Wedding ring, yes it is'
Would she realise too?

'Does that mean what I think it means?'

'What do you mean Mione'
She was really confusing me now.

'Do you feel the same?'

'Yes, I do. Me and Harry found this in first year and he saw mum and dad, whilst I saw you and me and it hasn't changed.'
I told her truthfully

'So you knew all this time?'

'Yes, but I didn't want to force anything. If it was going to happen I wanted it to happen naturally, but it didn't.'
I looked at her sadly, and she was looking at me with a smile one her face

'There's still time y/n, for it to happen you know.'

Is she saying what I think she is.

'Just be quiet for a second. Please'

I did as I was told.
Then she turned to me, still holding my hand and put her forehead against mine. Then she leaned forward and kissed me on my nose and then my lips, it lasted a couple of second but it was pure bliss, and I've ever felt . When she pulled away I leaned forward and kissed her, this time lasting a little longer than the previous.

'Why did you do that?
I asked when we pulled away

'Because I want what I saw in the mirror to actually happen, as long as you do too.'
She replied shyly

'Of course I do.'
I said


Then we both leaned in and kissed again, full of love. Whilst her arms went around my waist as mine went around hers.

19 years later

You and your wife were sat in your living room after telling your kids how you fell in love, cuddled up with each other whilst they were telling how the first thing they'll do when they get there is look in the mirror.

'What you won't even write to us? How rude.'
You acted offended

'It's okay love.'
Your wife, Hermione told you going along with your act, giving you a peck on the lips.

'Mum, stop it.'
Your eldest told you

'Do you know what love?'
Hermione asked you

You asked

'I think the kids can make their own dinner tonight. How does that sound?'
She asked you with a grin

'That sounds like a great idea. Would you like a takeaway dear.'
You asked her in a posh accent

'Of course my lady ship.'
She replied, now joining in on the accent.

Then you both burst out laughing, whilst your kids looked at you as if you were crazy. Soon they got up and went to bed, although you were still laughing you managed to hear one of them say

'Old people'

'Hey you know I'm not that old.
And chased them up the stair causing Hermione to laugh even harder than before.

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