Chapter 14: I should've

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♡y/n's pov♡

When I arrived back to the dorms I ran as fast as I could to the elevator attempting to avoid the group of boys in the common area.

I jumped into the elevator, and it turns out Brendan noticed I was crying. 

"y/n you okay?" I didn't respond, I just left.

I got to my room slamming the door behind me and screamed as I threw whatever I could find to the wall. I dont give a shit if I break anything. I fell onto my bed and continued to sob.
I could hear footsteps start to come towards my door

"y/n..." I refused to respond. "What's going on?"

"nothing. I'm fine!"

"y/n there's screams and crashing sounds coming from your bedroom. I know that you're mad at me and are avoiding me but you're my twin sister, I care about you more than anyone else.

You're not okay and I wanna be there for you. Tell me what happened" silence "Please"

"Go away" I whimpered. I could hear him walk away. Two minutes later I heard him at my door once again.

"y/n I'm coming in" 

"No. I told you to go away" not listening to what I said, he walked into my room to find me on my bed still crying. Tears covered in my running mascara, my makeup that I spent over an hour on smudged all over my face. He walked over and sat on my bed 

"Tell me exactly what happened" I looked up to find him holding a big tub of cookies and cream ice cream and two spoons. I took one of the spoons and stuffed my face with ice cream.

"I was gonna go on a date at 6..."

"Then why are you crying? Was the date THAT bad?"

"There was no date..."


"He stood me up Brendan. he didn't show up"

"who do I need to beat up?"

"please don't beat Kaminari up"

"IT WAS THAT SON OF A BITCH?! I told you not to talk to boys like him!" I looked down at my lap and nodded. "My Jewel, please stop crying.... You shouldn't cry over an idiot like him."

I missed him calling me that

"he's not the idiot, I am. For thinking that a boy would actually like someone like me. You were right, he just led me on and then when he knew I liked him, he-he" I burst into even more tears "I'm sorry Brendan" I threw myself into my brothers arms "I should've listened to you. I should've stayed away from him."

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